The Survivalists™

Info, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Glitch, News

A World of Adventures Awaits!







A World of Adventure and Possibilities Awaits! The island is alive! Your newfound home will change with day/night cycles as you explore and uncover its secrets. Hunt (or be hunted by!) animals for food and an array of mythical enemies, who aren’t necessarily pleased to see you. Get quests from a Mysterious Stranger or find them washed up on the shore. Prepare to trek into a procedurally generated wilderness, with a variety of biomes, for an adventure that’s unique to every player. Build Together, Survive Together Finding the perils of island life too much or just looking to share your building expertise with friends? The Survivalists has you covered! Complete joint adventures, gain loot, trade and ultimately survive together and as you and up to three fellow castaways explore an island paradise. Monkey See, Monkey Do! If you’re in need of a builder, a lumberjack or even a soldier, the monkeys on the island can be tamed and trained to help you with everyday tasks or back you up on raids to a fanatic camp! The Mimic System means a wide variety of functions can be performed by your banana loving friends, with monkey management becoming key to surviving the island’s challenges. Get Crafty The secret to survival is to make the most of the resources around you. Whether that’s piecing together a primitive axe to chop wood or mixing up a refreshing fruit smoothie to keep the hunger at bay, you can discover recipes and expand your options across food, item or structure crafting trees. Run the Gauntlet Looking for an epic sword to hang on your hut wall or want to lay waste to encroaching hostiles? What you seek could be in one of the many labyrinths scattered around the island. However, getting your hands on the loot won’t be easy so any would-be raiders will need to prepare for their treasure hunting crusade.


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7screenshot 8screenshot 9

Ratings & Reviews

Watch some how-to vids and save often
Sun Aug 01 2021 jemenake

I actually tried this game, couldn’t do much of anything after about an hour, and got killed by bats or orcs, and just went on with, my life. Months later, I returned to it, and I managed to figure out how the gameplay was supposed to go. My first suggestion is to watch some videos on how to get started in the game to avoid the frustration I had. The second suggestion is to save fairly frequently. The iPad version has a bug where, after about an hour, the UI will just freeze, and you can’t do anything but kill the app and start over from your last save. You can only save when you’re in a bed, so, suggestion 2b) carry bed components (the comfy padding and the makeshift bedsheet) with you when you sail to other islands. Build a bed there as soon as you can, sleep, and save. Suggestion 2c) since you can’t save inside of a labyrinth (and they’re a lot of time and effort to get through), and because the UI hangs seem to happen after a while of gameplay, save and quit the app right before venturing to a labyrinth, so that you have minimal risk of the app locking up right when you’re getting near the final part.

Solid game but needs work
Fri Dec 10 2021 stupidbugg

I love the content there’s so much to do but I have a few problems with the gameplay. First is monkeys doing damage, when I set my Monkeys to attack they barely do any damage, the only benefit of having them attack is reduced durability usage and extra stun for me to hit the enemy, I seriously think you should buff their damage a little bit. Maybe not as much as it used to be where you could have 3 monkeys and dominate anything but still enough to where they actually help kill the enemy in battle. 2. The secondary islands are very difficult, they have enemies that seem like they are for the mid to late game and when you need to travel between islands to progress , it’s hard to get a foothold when one attacks you and you can’t do enough damage back. 3. Npcs, I like what you did with npcs but I think a good idea is being able to make a shelter for them so when you visit them you can take them back to your base and keep them there without needing to travel within islands each time you want to talk to one. There’s also a glitch where a monkey will get randomly stranded out at sea leaving you one monkey down and it’s happened to me several time hindering my progress greatly. And 4. Just the saving times are way too long I feel like saving takes forever and since there is no auto save I can’t do anything while it saves, same for sleeping, it takes too long.

I got a new game idea and if you want you can create it
Fri Sep 30 2022 Dylan Arnold 321

This is the list it’s where you’re a civilian like in the escapist two back in the escapists two I’m not asking an update for the escape it’s too by the way where do you even go go be the same difficulties in the escape is to buy a little different easy is when the police try tries to get you but feels very less damage if you end up in prison prisoners opinion of you is very high if you end up in prison this will be just like the escapist two work medium is when guards are attacking you their attack is the more buff buff to then when in easy mode hard mode is when guards are buffed and if you don’t have some sort of armor they can to shot you and their opinion of you is very low or just low but you can choose to be a good person or bad person in that you’re the best developer ever if you make this civilianist game And depending on what how bad the crimes were it will be more harder to escape the prison meaning it have a lot more security and eventually you won’t get released till just take a long time but the tip depending on what crimes there is that you did so if you want you can create the game but if you create the game you’re the best developer ever

Please undo update (kind of)
Mon Jul 26 2021 SUPERANONYMOUS😉😉😉

When I saw this app in “recently updated”, I was very excited. The first update you did was masterful, making survival both easier and more exciting. But this time was different. I saw that there were taskmasters (cool) and trinkets (cooler) and PETS! (super amazing). I then skimmed the part about “bread crumb trails” and “levels” (kind of) and bombs, and taking stuff to your new islands, thinking it didn’t matter, but it did when I got on and saw that you completely broke my favorite game. I chose not to get a boost, because I like building my camp, inventory and monkey army from the ground up. Then I got to the part where you totally miss the point of an open world game. The whole world isn’t supposed to be leveled, and you should be able to explore islands freely, at your own pace. I also quickly learned that near my camp there was a monster camp that is very hard early in the game. Also, one of my favorite things about the old version is that I can explore caves freely, without having to get a bomb. I know that you worked hard on the update, and I know that you were trying to make the game better, but can you please at least just make features optional in settings. Please?🥺

Great game
Sat Oct 31 2020 Mr.Bob2

Love this game but there are some glitches. Like one time I went to open my chest and then it just disappeared. I had to exit without saving to get it back so I lost some of the stuff I had done and had to do it all over again. Also the monkeys could use some work. I don’t like how you have to retrain your monkeys to fight every time you go into the game. All the other monkeys keep their jobs except the fighters. It’s really annoying. Also for some reason I just have a piece of wood on the ground in my base that I can’t pick up and when one of my monkeys picks it up he doesn’t do anything with it and I can’t take it from him unless I trade something with him. I also wish the labyrinths and vaults gave you more of a variety of stuff, it seems like they only give you flimsy or sturdy tools and rope, planks, mud, and bones unless you get to the end so it’s kinda useless to loot more than once. I do like everything else tho. Wish you could cross play with mobile and console and also I wish you could split screen on console. Hope you update soon. Looooove this game!!!! Also love manual save, once you get used to it. Please don’t take it away, manual save rocks!!!!!!!!!

This is was a great Game! Until...
Mon Feb 15 2021 someone annonamous

I started this game as soon as it came out on Arcade. And I loved it, and I played for four weeks straight. Four weeks straight, seriously. Then at the end of that said fourth week, I was playing, and remembered to save, which is the annoying part of the game. I’ll say now, anyone who likes Minecraft, this is the game for you. But the problem was, the saving. If you don’t save every 5 or 10 minutes to be safe, you can lose a lot of progress. But as I was saying, I had a TON of stuff after 4 weeks. I had everything gold I had explored almost every island, had two of the legendary weapons or something, and 20 monkeys, fully all trained, and I had gold swords, spears, and sharp axes. Then when I went to save, I pressed save, and then it kicked me out of the game. I went back in and lost 3 weeks of progress. I was back to 8 monkeys, a handful of nearly broken clubs, and one axe, and I didn’t have any thing else. It was extremely frustrating. I called support, and see if they could reboot my account, or maybe give me stuff I asked for. Nothing. They didn’t help. Don’t even start this game. I really don’t want anyone else feeling the depression and stress and desperation I felt, after I lost probably 60 hours of continuous work. I could have done a lot of other stuff, and I felt like I lost a part of my life I couldn’t get back. Don’t get.

Engrossing game, but the lack of auto-save is a major issue.
Wed Jun 02 2021 Yawnsville

This is a really cute game, and very engrossing. It takes a while to master the controls, and the various aspects of crafting, building, cooking, and so on. Teaching monkeys to do stuff for you also take a bit of trial and error. But before long—especially once you start finding a serious supply of metal ingots—you’re up and running. For those of us wishing Age of Empires had come to iOS, this isn’t a direct replacement, but it has that kind of feel to it. It also shares some similarities with Outlanders, which is another good game. However, Survivalists has combat, which gives it an edge as far as I’m concerned. Oh, and of course monkeys; who doesn’t like monkeys! But a *huge* downside is the fact that it doesn’t auto-save your progress. That, coupled with the game’s instability — in particular on a first gen iPad Pro, on which it crashes every few hours — means that although I like playing the game, it also makes me want to chuck my iPad against the wall every time I do [whatever random thing triggers a crash] and I realize I’d forgotten to save for a while. I’d give the game a full five stars in and of itself, but the frustrating need to manually save drops it down to three stars.

Tue Dec 20 2022 SakuraTree4

This game has beautiful graphics despite it being 2D and Pixelated. I’d play for hours if I could of course I’ve got the kids so that would be impossible without “can I have a snack” or “I’m hungry” or “play with me”. My second oldest also likes this game. She had so much progress as well. She had 2 monkeys and found the mysterious trader. She had a house, a boat, and even a strategy for raids! But it doesn’t have auto save. And when she hit the jackpot… It was time to eat supper. So, I turned the iPad off and swiped out of the applications. But I didn’t know she was playing that. After supper and after they asked me for dessert, she tried to play the game again. But, she was back at her base and did not have all of the new items and map discovered. She was sad. But I kept playing the game. I always make sure to save the game before the kids play my phone. Their is a save game when you go to bed (I always choose sleep and save). And also one on the main menu. Their are a lot of complaints about this “what if I don’t want to leave my ‘adventure’?” Just use save on the menu.

Great game
Tue Nov 24 2020 Spaceranger4569

The survivalist a very good game. I’ve always love survival games they’re a little bit tricky for me but I still like them and just Apple Arcade itself is just awesome it gives us access to many more games I have a few other games on the Apple Arcade and they’re very fun. ok, let’s get back to the survivalist's a very good game and I love how you can train monkeys that part is funny and the monkeys can do stuff for you so you don’t have to do it and I like how it’s all set up and you can craft many things like a bed and campfire stuff like that and how do you can explore find new things and that night I’ve seen bats and I’ve gone into a cave once and there were people that tried to kill me and that’s how I almost died and I’ve defeated a shark it was very tricky but I deleted it and got some meat which was cool and the monkeys can do stuff like craft stuff for you and coot and another stuff like that ok, let’s wrap things up by saying how great of this game is and all the others the survivalist is a very very great game and whoever made this game thank you for making such a good game.

It is fun until the game does things you do t expect.
Tue Oct 13 2020 Jii5

I was enjoying playing the game and had to get used to the lack of auto-save. There were a couple of times when I did not sleep to save and that got a little frustrating in the beginning when I was surviving bucks with a hand axe. All good, we got through it. I got better and had a stash at home of all the foods and gold ingots and everything. It was fun. Then I read in the app that you could give a monkey a chest and take it all with you! Awesome! No more super long trips there and back. I save the game and then went out. I fought a buck and won but had to leave the game. Saved it via the pause button and then went about my way. When I got back my chest was gone from my monkey and all of the things I had purchased from mystery guy and food I had prepared and so on. That was so frustrating. To do all of that and then lose it somehow for no reason?! If this is how the game is supposed to work for the “survival” aspect then wow that’s very realistic, but being that when I have a chest and save the game and then come back to no chest, it doesn’t seem like that’s normal game play. It’s a fun game but the saving aspect is weird or maybe I just don’t know where my monkey buried the chest?


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  1. The Survivalists is a very interesting game. You have to teach monkeys to do task to help you to solve puzzles, help you to gathering items and craft stuffs for you. However, I don't like the graphics and the controls. The graphics is really hard to se...

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