Oceanhorn 2

Info, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Glitch, News

Knights of the Lost Realm







Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm Golden Edition is here! Ready to embark on an RPG journey you'll never forget? This is the best version of the game to date, featuring brand new content, quests, items, and enhancements! A GRAND ADVENTURE Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. A young Knight faces an impossible challenge, as Warlock Mesmeroth has returned with a formidable Dark Army. Will our hero be able to unite the Owrus, Gillfolk, and men in a fight for the fate of the world? THIS TIME YOU'RE NOT ALONE You will not be taking this journey alone. Trin, the granddaughter of Arcadia's leader Archimedes, and Gen, a mysterious robot wielding an old samurai weapon, will join forces with you, and fight at your side against Mesmeroth's Dark Army. Contextual commands will allow you to direct these allies into battle, or have them help you with the solution of the game's most clever puzzles! FIGHT, SOLVE, EXPLORE Bigger, better, and packed with new features – Oceanhorn 2 is not only one of the best-looking adventure games out there, but it also builds a unique experience on the shoulder of classic video games. Collect powerful items, wield the Caster Gun, solve the mysterious puzzles of the ancients, and discover all that Arcadia and its neighboring kingdoms have to offer! Accept the challenge and become a true hero. FEATURES • An epic RPG main quest spanning 20+ hours of gameplay • Massive boss fights test your reflexes and combat skills • Dozens of side quests grant incredible rewards • Clever puzzles to solve and mysterious dungeons to explore • Beautiful, handcrafted graphics paint a world of legends and intrigue • Majestic 60fps on all high-end devices Support: please mail support@cornfox.com


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7screenshot 8

Ratings & Reviews

Weird ending
Thu Dec 31 2020 an asphalt 8 fan

Spoilers!! First off this game was beautiful, it was so well made. But what is up with the ending?? I have to agree with other reviewers that this game’s ending was much too rushed, you guys left a lot of unanswered questions like what happened to the main character, trin, and master Mayfair after Oceanhorn? At the end where Mayfair is in a house with a baby that sorta confused me, like was that the main character but some how the future version of him stopped all that from happening? Or is that another baby? Also what happened to the warlock and trin’s grandfather? And why was the main character made from a weird green ball? Is he even a human? Also u guys should have made a thing where we could go wherever we wanted at the end after the last boss fight. Also I really want to know what trin was gonna tell the main character before they went on Oceanhorn at the docks. Also does the main character have a name???? The journey was beautiful though, it was pretty long though. I’m happy that it seems like there is should be another game, though please don’t put it on Apple Arcade. Anyways I do recommend this game to anyone but be ready for a disappointing ending. Also in the achievements how are we supposed to get 100% of the area source, if we can’t go any further there. (Also I just love the story I can’t see it end like that, I think u guys should make like a graphic novel series that tell on more details about like the characters and the story)

I like this game but..
Thu Nov 07 2019 mj😢

Overall I actually enjoy this game.. I thought it would be a download play for a day then delete type of game but I’m hooked.. I have a couple concerns though: I have no idea where I am on the map or how to get back to previous places and I find myself doing more roaming around aimlessly (only upside to that are the random treasures I find).. there should be a place map to tap on previous locations.. the controls are not precise meaning when I try to get on/climb up things, I spin around in circles and I also think there should be a jump button.. more recently I have glitched in the underwater kingdom at the location of the 3rd thunderstone.. at the part where I shoot fire to release the Boulder it got stuck and when I exit to the main menu and get back in the game the Boulder has disappeared and it seems like there is no way to get it back so I have been stuck in the same spot for 3 days.. I am 44% complete with the game and I don’t want to start over because it was not easy to get there.. if that one glitch can be fixed I can live on with the other complaints because they are not that bad..

Great game
Sun Feb 16 2020 Ldog74

Just wanted to say I thought it was a great game! I have never wrote a review for any app before this one and the fact that I’m writing one for this game should tell you something. I loved everything about Oceanhorn 2 the graphics were great and the controls were a nice change of pace. All of the puzzles throughout the game were hard enough to be fun but not to difficult as to make the game unplayable and the open world map makes for hours of playtime. Also for those of you who finished the battle with the final boss and are now stuck at the end of the game but still have progress to complete I suggest just going back a few saves until you can play in the open world portion and complete as much as you want before fighting the boss. Just a tip for those of you having a difficult time with fingering out the controls: double tap the right side of the screen to roll and hold the screen after rolling to sprint. Lastly I would really like to have a conformation on a third addition to this series. We were left on a huge Cliffhanger at the end and had much to wonder about. Questions about what happens next are killing me. In fact until I know what happens next I’ll be holding on to that final star😉.

Great concept - needs significant amount of polish
Fri Apr 17 2020 MM6000and50

Like other similar reviews out there from people who have played through to the end, it needs work, a lot of it. It is more like a well-executed proof of concept than a great video game. On one hand it is light years beyond so many IOS games in terms of game play, complexity and graphics but it is far behind anything you would expect on an actual game system (xbox, switch, ps4, etc). And of course it isn’t fair to compare an IOS game to something made by nintendo but from a gameplay standpoint it really is so close to being legit. The biggest issue is the absolutely terrible (probably unfinished) ending, following that is the pointlessness of there being money in the game - nothing worth buying - no cool upgrades, gear, powers, etc just health and ammo re-ups you can get for free literally everywhere throughout the game. Lastly, the side quests mostly lack any intrigue or point aside from getting the astroblade. My advice is don’t skip this game just because it is poorly executed- it is still enjoyable to play, just realize ahead of time that it isn’t really going anywhere you want to be - like playing candy crush. Hopefully there is a significant and worthwhile update coming from Cornfox, but until then if you really need something worth playing - you’ll have to stick with the real TLOZ.

Awesome! But some notes to help make it more awesome.
Mon Oct 07 2019 Noahsdg

I played through the original Oceanhorn and waited eagerly for this game. It and it’s predecessor are by fair the most flushed and full games available on a mobile platform. I have played about six hours of the game and have some notes for the developers that would make this game even better. I love the looting system. It gives a mean to the grind that you can store up extra hearts and materials. Though it does go slow. Maybe give more value to hearts and other materials for your caster. Also, having the ability to save anywhere would be very appreciated, not just save points. Be a it’s a mobile game I often only have a few minutes at a time to play and it’s annoying go back to a save point every time. Also, Trin’s repeated phrases get annoying when encountering an enemy. Though I do like the party system. Most important note I have: make a walk function! It’s hard to walk across the narrow bridges and walls to get to hidden items when the character breaks into a sprint every time. Though catching yourself is handy. It still gets annoying. Thanks! It still is the best game, along with its predecessor, you can have on mobile at this time.

I want to love it
Mon Oct 21 2019 iLinds

Oh man. I’ve tried for 4 hours to love this game. And I want to play it. I want to dive in and enjoy this game but the controls are so beyond frustrating even with the new inverted controls . You can’t move any of the buttons around to fit your Natural fingers spots, you have to constantly be turning the camera (which means using both thumbs at a All times.) as it doesn’t follow the direction you’re heading. You can’t use your sword/shield ever if you’re moving because both thumbs are needed to move and turn. I only figured out how to roll by accident. I still cannot figure out the thought process behind commanding your team. it’s so not intuitive and there’s literally no directions. They just assume you’ll figure it out? There’s no enter or go. You cannot pull up the map or zoom in or out to see where you are. And I still have no idea what the shards do and how to put them on items etc. I’m so bummed cause I loved the first Oceanhorn and couldn’t wait for the second. But it’s just unplayable. Maybe with a controller but as as actual iPad game its not enjoyable in the slightest. And that makes me sad cause I really want to enjoy it but find myself so frustrated with the controls I have to quit. I really hope there’s an update with a dedicated camera that follows you, and better map, moveable and customizable buttons and a better experience overall and I’d definitely come back.

What just happened?
Wed Jan 01 2020 cookiemunsterrrr

I went from 66% complete to killing the final? boss and now stuck in an endless loop of “time travel”? They spent way too much time making this pretty (and it is very pretty) and way too little actually making a game you play. There’s so much build up then it’s just over.. kind of... maybe? I honestly can’t tell. I saw the credits but I’m not sure the world is safe 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Theres so much unnecessary nonsense to explore with little to no reward (like bloodstone you can’t use or cash it won’t let you spend on anything useful), the warehouse/ sewer place was more detailed than several areas you actually needed to be. Deeply confusing at several points and not in a fun puzzle kind of way. The cutscenes are crazy long and there’s a truly bizarre line about the main character wanting to marry a child at one point. Super repetitive dialogue, like the chick was surprised EVERY single time an enemy showed up🤨 where did all those pots come from trin? Maybe the same place they came from the last 100 times😩 this game had so much potential to be really really great but mostly made grind my teeth and curse at my phone, poor Siri doesn’t need to hear that and god knows she’s always listening.

I really wanted to give a 5 star but I can’t
Sat Jul 18 2020 Brooklyntini

I haven’t finished the game yet but overall I have enjoyed it and been really impressed by the graphics and size of the game. The inability to jump and dodge is extremely frustrating. The controls are impossible. I have spent hours trying to beat bosses because I’m unable to dodge 80% of the time that I click the button (that isn’t even a button it’s just an imaginary click site below the sword).. Beside that huge & bad thing, one boss fight can easily take 15 minutes, which is reallyjust too long?? My hand gets sore trying to finish one boss fight and I’m 22 and have no carpal tunnel or anything so that means it’s too much. Also I don’t like that you can’t really do anything with the map. You can’t really visit past places easily, it’s extremely hard to land on an island that you approach .. idk. I feel like they made stuff way harder than it should be and that’s why I’m probably about to quit because I can’t beat mesmeroth and I have played several times. The game has SO much potential and is so great but these things really reALLLLLLYYYY frustrate me

Amazing game, but just one thing
Sat Oct 05 2019 Hrush

First off, this game was extremely well made, and the game flowed smoothly (for the most part). I probably out about 13 hours just to try to beat it. There were many fun, but also difficult challenges along the way and that required different pieces of equipment. I have only one problem. I get to the final boss (Oceanhorn) and it says my game is 58% completed. So I beat Oceanhorn and it goes through the credits etc... and then I check in on my game and to my surprise it still says I am at 58% completion. I click on it and it takes me back to before I have beat Oceanhorn. This has happened 5 times now, and I’m wondering if it is a glitch, or if it’s supposed to happen. If it’s supposed to happen I suggest you guys change it as it’s extremely annoying. But, other than that, the game is amazing. One suggestion for anyone about to download is to wait to see that it says “game progress saved” at the bottom of your screen before leaving your device. If u don’t then u will lose progress back to the last save.

Liked the game, but getting annoyed...
Sat Jun 13 2020 krescenilo

Good game, but really starting to get annoyed with not being able to 100% complete the game. Just tell me when I can do that!! Wasting my time jumping in after an update, trying to figure out if I can actually complete the game now is getting a little old. Update: To clarify, when I said “100% complete the game” I was not referring to the in game progress tracker. I was referring to the game having 100% of its content and my being able to finish said content. The reason for the annoyance is I’m wasting my time just trying to figure out whether or not the game can be 100% completed. For example, looking online, I found that there is a “Big Content Update” coming at some point. But will that make this a content complete game? I do not know... and unless the dev team does something like put a note in the release notes or have some kind of in game popup stating that it is (or is not) the last content update... so once it’s out I’ll probably end up back here, wasting hours of my time searching every nook and cranny in the game trying to figure out if I can finally complete it!


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Related Youtube Videos!

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