The latest version includes new bug fixes and performance improvements. Enjoy!
Here are some screenshots of the game.
i am obsessed with this game, ive played it a few times and i really hope they come out with another one. either a part two for the same story line or a completely different one. i just know id love either or. the characters, graphics and interactive moments are amazing. please, please create more. new fav game for sure.
Calling all stardew valley lovers! If you're looking for a little feminist, diverse and beautiful game then look no further! Wylde Flowers is my new obsession!! With an incredible story, diverse characters (who are fully voice acted), I mean what’s not to love!!
I love this game so much but I wanna be able to change the seasons again :(( Please update I would be heartbroken if not,, it’s the only game a truly love and have been playing incessantly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is my second time playing it and it’s outcome is different! I love this game it’s very addicting and fun! Excited for the next part of the storyline !
This game is one of the best games I have ever played! All though, I think I already beat it? The credits came up, now all I can do it run around lol. Hardly any tasks, & no more story line?.. I REALLY hope there will be an update to start a new chapter🤞🏼. I still have missing recipes that I can’t find too😩. 4/5 stars if I actually already beat the game.. 10/5 if there is more to come soon!
Ok so I love this game a lot. Basically i used to play it every single day but then a glitch happened. Now every time i open the game on the computer, It just shows a glitched screen, now normally i would wait a day and try again, but i did that and it didnt help anything, i could keep playing, but it LITERALLY JUST SHOWS A STATIC-Y SCREEN. Please fix this so i can play my favourite game again. And if you have any tricks to stop this from happening, please tell me them.
I love the game but I finished the story so fast, and am waiting for more …like the lighthouse is broken there is a bridge broken in the other world as well. I hope there will be updates soon otherwise I’m done with the game it’s getting pointless to play with no more goals.
I love this game but I can not for the life of me find the malasada recipe and it’s really frustrating…I’ve tried looking in the dirt in the mountains and fishing for it but I’ve been stuck on this one for like 2 weeks now
Absolutely love this game! Definitely appreciate the voice acting and how well made the whole game is. Reminds me of Stardew, and that’s a great plus. One small issue is, I wish there was some sort of clothes shop or that you were able to make clothes. It feels weird to be down in the mine in heels and a dress, not to mention just doing regular farm work lol
This game is very cute and the voices are very well done. Graphics are amazing. Only problem is it’s not the most compatible with the Apple Pencil. When I tap on the options to talk to someone or pick up something I have to click a few times and it sometimes skips part of the dialogue as I have tapped too many times.
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the recent update, you can change spring to summer after the first year.
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the recent update, you have a new task called PROPAGATION SHED, that you can make your own seeds
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the recent update, you have a new task called I'm all Ears.
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the recent update, you have a new task called It's a Spring Fling Thing.
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the recent update, you have a task to change Westley back to human form
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the recent update, you have a task that to find Gems easily - called No Stone Unturned Task, and here is how to ...
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. In the new update, you can make dresses and taking photos.
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. This video show you the favourite food for all characters
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. This video show you the thirteenth video of the game - Winter Feast and we have an new witch.
Wylde Flowers is a new game in Apple Arcade like Harvest Moon. You can do a lot of things in the game, such as Planting, Mining, Fishing. This video show you the twelfth video of the game - Witch Trial, My wedding and Winter is coming.
Here are some related news of the game.
Apple Arcade Game of the Year: Wylde Flowers, from Studio Drydock Pty Ltd. ... UPDATE. Meet the 2023 App Store Award finalists. November 14, 2023.
Apple Fri Dec 23 2022
Apple Arcade Game of the Year: Wylde Flowers, from Studio Drydock Pty Ltd. ... 2 Update for iPhone. Monday November 20, 2023 10:21 am PST by Joe...
MacRumors Fri Dec 23 2022
Last Updated 28 November 2022, 22:46 IST. Follow Us ... Wylde Flowers (by Studio Drydock Pty Ltd) was awarded the best game on Apple Arcade.
Deccan Herald Fri Dec 23 2022
年度Apple Arcade 遊戲:《Wylde Flowers》,開發者Studio Drydock Pty Ltd.。 除了表揚Apple 裝置的最佳app 和遊戲,Apple 的App Store 編輯也選出五...
Yahoo奇摩新聞 Fri Dec 23 2022
El Hijo da HandyGames foi eleito o Jogo Apple TV do ano, Wylde Flowers da Studio Drydock Pty Ltd. foi coroado como o Jogo Apple Arcade do...
Eurogamer.pt Fri Dec 23 2022
ภาพนิ่งจาก El Hijo เกม Apple TV แห่งปี. เกม Apple Arcade แห่งปี: Wylde Flowers จาก Studio Drydock Pty Ltd.
Apple Fri Dec 23 2022
... Studio Drydock Pty Ltd.'den Wylde Flowers olarak a�ıklandı. �in'de Yılın oyunu ise Shenzhen Tencent Tianyou Technology Ltd. tarafından...
Webrazzi Fri Dec 23 2022
Na Apple TV je „hrou roka“ El Hijo od HandyGames a na Apple Arcade ide o Wylde Flowers od Studio Drydock Pty Ltd. fotogal�ria. Wylde Flowers...
Zive.sk Fri Dec 23 2022
Apple – Wylde Flowers, de Studio Drydock Pty Ltd. – Pour l'anecode, le jeu ne vient pas du tout � bout de la Dynamic Island comme on pourrait le...
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