Embark on a unique journey!
• Unveil a collection of thirteen brand-new Traits that can dramatically change your characters - whether by bolstering their strengths or challenging them with new complexities.
• Experiment with them, and discover intriguing combinations that enhance your gameplay!
• Each character in your party has the potential to acquire an additional third Trait on their adventures. Keep an eye out for these new opportunities and the advantages they bring.
• Your character's beliefs can evolve in response to life-changing situations, evolving their Traits as they travel.
• These changes can either uplift your character, bringing about positive growth, or present challenges that cast a negative shadow - it all depends on their experiences.
• Each day brings the possibility of experiencing a variety of weather events. Witness the beauty of the Oregon Trail through rainy days, gentle snows, and dust storms. If bad weather catches your party by surprise... prepare for the consequences!
• Items stored in Exposed Wagon Slots will no longer be depleted during bad weather. Rain, snow, or dust will damage all Exposed Slots.
• After repairing a Damaged Slot, it will remain Exposed. Be sure to keep your wagon in good condition at all times!
• The properties of all Repair Items have been updated. Now you can stack up to 6 Toolboxes.
• Most events require more Repair Items - but reward more of them, too.
• The Prologue Journey has been adjusted to take the Wagon Damage rework into account.
• New Achievements.
**The Oregon Trail+** on Apple Arcade revitalizes the classic educational game with modern graphics and enhanced gameplay. Players embark on the iconic journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon's Willamette Valley, facing the same historical challenges of resource management, disease, and river crossings. This updated version introduces new quests, characters, and events, enriching the original experience while maintaining its educational value. With its blend of strategy, history, and adventure, The Oregon Trail+ offers both nostalgic appeal for longtime fans and engaging gameplay for new players, making it a standout title on Apple Arcade.
Here are some screenshots of the game.
This a great game absolutely fun to play but there a few ideas that would make better and funnier. I think it would be a good idea if you had the option to shuffle characters when choosing your party because I always find myself choosing characters I don’t want and having to exit out come back all over over again it can get annoying that’s why I think it would be a good idea if we had the option to shuffle the characters. Also I could see duck hunting in this game as well dlc’s like the California trail and Mormon Trail. Another idea that would be very useful is when your character leaves to go get help but then the other character dies and you get to continue your it would be helpful if that character came back and continued the journey. I would like to see multiplayer added into this game I know that doesn’t seem like a thing would include but what if you could travel in groups instead of four people it would make the more exciting and fun if you were able to play with friends online. Another thing would to have a bigger party of six or five I think having more people would have better chances of getting to Oregon but it make harder because having to take care of more people and spending more money. One last thing you guys should make an ASMR mode just traveling and listening to calming sounds of nature.
This is the highest quality game I have ever played, and it is super fun. However, I have a bunch of ideas that would make it even better. To start, it would be nice if the wagon accidents and broken limbs were more moderated, because an issue I have is that the second I leave a fort, something bad happens to my party. Also, many of my characters will get a broken limb as soon as I restore their health again and heal them. I find this to be very frustrating, and would appreciate if there was some sort of algorithm you could install to fix this issue. Second, it would be really cool if children and pets could be included. By pets, I mean a dog or farm animal, and in some special journeys when you are able to use a horse, I would like to have that option for the main journeys like Oregon and California Trails. As for children, when you get to select your characters, it would be cool if you could choose children to join your group. The kids could have only one trait and no skills, and the limit per group could be two or three, but I think it would be a lot more realistic and fun to have more of a family element to the game. Also, other main journeys like the Mormon Trail would be really fun to complete. Overall, this is an awesome game and I hope yall read this.
Hi Developers! You must be the best game designers of all time! Because this is one of the best games of all time! 😍 This is a super super fun game. It has choices you can make and you choose your party members and when they die you can make Them a grave stone! I even have a favorite character! 😎 I totally LOVE this game and I give infinity stars to it! You don’t even have to use real money for anything! It’s a challenging fun game. I play this game every day for a loooong time (Not kidding or exaggerating) OK, Now some ideas: Since you can see trail weddings (and Ava’s and Douglas’s wedding) (and random ones too) I think you should be able to have one girl and one boy from your party get married! And then give birth to a baby! And the longer you travel the baby is growing up while your traveling! And turning into a kid! (Maybe even a grown up after they turn into a kid) And then in the character selection you can pick already kids or already babies 👶🏻! 😃 These ideas were inspired by the thing you can put on the gravestone that says Our Only Child, (Then it puts the person’s name obviously) But if there are no children or babies how can I use that ?! Bye best game developers ever! P.s. call me Doggie *Doggie 🐶
I keep seeing the Devs suggest this “relaxing” play mode to players criticizing how hard the game is in regular mode. However; I have played the Nature Trail Journey twice now and I have gotten wiped out on the first river both times! I don’t know how this is supposed to be “easier”, when I was able to beat the regular mode with 3 of my party members still with me when I got to Oregon City on my first go? I think if you are going to offer an easy mode, it really should be much more easy than the regular mode. Maybe give every river a ferry option and make money more easy to come by? I bought the most expensive wagon on the Nature Trail Journey, whereas I had the mid-range wagon on my original game in regular mode, and I could not see any significant difference in the resistance to wear and tear on the more expensive one. Maybe you could make the wagon status bar read more like the health, stamina, etc... bars for the characters? I would also like the benefit of using wheel grease to be more clear. For example, if it was more like the bars for everything else in the game, the grease could restore 2 or 3 segments in the bar - and a fuller bar would significantly decrease the likelihood of a breakdown? This game is so pretty, fun, and has got me hooked so far - but I can see what the other commenters are talking about, and I can tell that I’ll lose interest in the game pretty soon if I keep running into these inconsistencies.
I really enjoy the game!! I even enjoy the challenges that come along the way! The problem is, it seems that every move i make leads to an inescapable casualty. I can understand that the game is supposed to emulate what the people who traveled the Oregon trail went through, but the amount of injuries and wagon break downs is just unnecessary. I wouldn't mind it if there were a strategic way to avoid it but there isn't. Even when it comes to the wagon breaking down iver time grease hardly does anything. In fact, during one of my play throughs i used grease and literally not even a moment later my wagon broke down. Also, when i traverse rivers the odds are never in my favor. Several times ive had a 70% or higher chance of getting across and out all those times the only time i did was when i had close to 100%. Thats just unreasonable!!! I really enjoy this game, but the difficulty being astronomical just makes it not fun to play. Like i said adding strategic elements to make things less likely to go bad (stretching to prevent exhaustion, checking the wagon to prevent food from going moldy and snakes from biting ur ppl, literally ANYTHING to prevent disentery, better wagon grease to stave off wagon malfunctions, etc.) would make it being so difficult not so much of a drawback cause there'd be ways to combat it!
This game is one of the most fun games I've played in a while. I had rather low standards for this game, because I have played other versions of this game and didn't really like them. When I decided to give this game a shot, I instantly fell in love. I have already put 6 hours into this game, and here is my review. This game is great, it captures the aspects of so many things perfectly. It makes it seem like you are in the game, walking along with your party. It keeps hunting in the style of the old games, but fixes it up a lot and makes it way more balanced. I love the way that you can trade with other people at landmarks. This game took most aspects from the original, and refined them, and added more. This game captures how difficult, long and grueling the oregon trail actually was. Whether it's drinking nasty water and getting sick, having low heigine, getting exauhsted, or litterally getting so bored that you storm off, it captures it all perfectly. There are snakebites and mites, biting at you constantly. You have to save up medicine, meat, and more just so that your party members don't get sick, or lose health. Yes, it does take a long time to beat, and it is pretty difficult, but other than that, it s a great game.
The Oregon Trail, the iconic computer game from the MECC many of us grew up playing in school and libraries is reimagined in yet another way. This one is an absolute delight which in my mind is high praise considering I am not a huge gameloft fan. But wow! You guys really did pour a lot of heart and soul into this game beyond just the sound and visuals (which are perfect, by the way). It reminds me of the firaxis remake of xcom enemy within in terms of quality. There’s a bit of randomness here to keep you on your toes and add replay value (as I recall it was there in the older versions of Oregon Trail) including the threat of dysentery, success fording the river/caulking the wagon, encounters Etc. Even hunting is made like it was “back then” ala tank controls, which I actually like. It could use some improvements perhaps, making trapping/hunting/fishing more lucrative beyond just pelts/fish to sell or trade but it might be nitpicking. I still can’t think of anyone doing any better here except maybe firaxis? Overall I have to say I am quite pleased and I bet Apple is too. Download this and Sneaky Sasquatch and you have serious competition (in terms of gameplay quality) to any other systems’ exclusives.
I keep getting challenges to collect meat with zero chances given to do so. I keep getting challenges to collect 3 berries with only one bush. No matter what player I pick, I waste bait on things I can't do anything with. My wagon breaks down more often then it makes sense. Who actually packs 10 tool boxes and or other repair stuff. Why are they all work only 1? Same with the food. Meat... crackers... berries doesn't matter it's all worth only 1. Why have so much different stuff off it's technically all the same? It gives me options the game refuses leaving me only "wait" as an option!? What's that about?? You need water! Here's water! Oh wait cholera! Why give Traps.. then not be able to use them. Oh wait! The game uses them for you and they did nothing at all???? It spends more time setting up the issues then providing solutions! 8hrs in going slow and eating a lot all clean and rested but because I have no harmonicas!? My entire group is forlorn!? Not my fault you only provided 2! Can't buy them or make them? Just ten to 1 issues over solutions!! Lame!!!! It gets EVEN WORSE!! I just used stat items to increase one of my characters. And immediately the game makes me get rid of her. Yes.... made me. No option at all to keep her. Really?? Who is playing this game??
I have been thinking of getting this app and I’ve been playing it for 2 days, it was exciting at first, but I’ve realized that it is unrealistic. For starters, as soon as 1 person gets cured of something like dysentery they get a broken arm or something like that. It’s getting frustrating, maybe next update something can happen every 5-15 minutes? Also I have a saved game where I’m at the U.S soldier and Native American are fighting about a toll and I have 1 person in my party and I can’t move on because I can’t side with either.. I’m also having trouble loading saved games. Also a suggestion, maybe add more options to put on the tertiary options for gravestones? Also I’ve seen this a lot but could you add children or have the option to take the hound you see later in the game? Also another suggestion I’ve seen in another review is if you could add just a sightseeing mode? This game has tons of potential and could be more enjoyable if you could be able to avoid diseases. Also, the wagon breaks down a little too often, maybe reduce it a bit? I’d love to see some of this added and it would be great to get more people playing this! Thank you! -Ella the Jungle Cat
I really enjoyed this game the first few times I played, but there were some features from the version I grew up with (version 3 I think) that I really miss. The first was a more educational and interactive “gather” option. It used to be you had to look up the plants in the guidebook and determine if they were safe to eat, which I thought was really cool. I’ll always be able to identify nightshade haha. It was fascinating and made gathering much more interesting. The second option I miss was being able to pick your departing date from Independence. This game it’s very easy to make it to Oregon by winter even though you leave in May. The version I grew up with this was not the case, and sometimes it made more sense to leave really early and cross the first river or two when it was frozen to avoid getting stuck in the mountains in September. Mostly, after a few rounds, the game just became too easy. The quests don’t change. It’s not that you get “Star Crossed Lovers” one time and “Peppard’s Folly” the next, you get them all every time. It makes it too predictable. More and varied quests would make the game much more fun over the long term, as well as the ability to choose a much harder level.
3 hours walkthrough of the Oregon Trail Gameplay. have all characters survived at the end. An happy Ending.
1 hours walkthrough of the Contracts Gameplay. have all characters survived at the end.
The walkthrough to solve the DRAGOON SIGHTING - MURDER CASE.
The walkthrough to show how do I win the Tall Tales level.
The walkthrough to show how do I win the Bitter Winter level.
The walkthrough to show how do I win the Ka-Boom level without Elizabeth.
The walkthrough to show how did I win the Lost Hollow.
The walkthrough to show how did I win the THE CHISHOLM TRAIL.
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