Service Update:
- bugfixes
Here are some screenshots of the game.
1: Super rockets(the ones fired from your base) are too slow. I know they do a ton of damage but they take so long to make and cost so much, 30 if I remember correctly, that they should move faster so you can actually use them before the game ends! 2: Option for longer game vs AI this is the main mode that I like to play but the games are only seven minutes long so by the time you get all set up the world explodes 3:Make easy, easy When you select easy in the difficulty select it’s still too hard easy should be an auto win no matter what so new players can experiment with different features. Every time I experiment even on easy I normally lose which is pretty humiliating XD
I give the Devs Credit for trying to make this game. I’ve downloaded this game a few times. I even played it when it was called something else. I have to say “give it it a try.” Most people say that they didn’t like it since none of the UI or the story fails to help you. Especially the learning of the game and how to play. I deleted it, then saw that it got and update and a new name. I figured I’d give it a try. It’s still got the same problems. I just don’t understand what the actual objective of the game is especially since there is no really option to practice. You really only get to play against an AI, playing against a real person is almost impossible. Yeah they added a way for your friends to play, if anyone else was playing. The story mode also requires 1 whole day to pass before continuing. I’m not sure if this is a way for the Devs to make money because you would have to constantly open the app each day. Overall game play is weak and the UI is lacking Severely. Some of the structures have names but they are confusing and don’t act the way you intend for them to move. I see very little potential for this game at this point unless they rework the Defensive (Def) Structures - Offensive (CQN) Structures and Resources (Sup). Honestly I will follow this apps development to see if any improvements are made. Till then it’s just a 1 Star. Come on Devs I believe you can make it better 😁
I love this game and would play it more if it wasn’t so frustrating. Lots of features and pieces of this game are left unexplained. When selecting my weapons, I have no idea what each item does until it’s added to my arsenal so I have to constantly add and remove to review the features of an item. Also, there’s an unlock item that says “win a game games by conquering to unlock this defender” - which I assume means I need to conquer all of my opponents spaces to win. This is almost impossible to do when playing as the blue icon because there are no flying conquerors and you can’t get through the other persons capital base- so you basically have to conquer spaces across the entire world in both directions to get to both sides of your opponents area. The game ends before you can do this. Also, what do the different color icons mean? The weapons and unlocks change when you click each one so are these considered levels? The tutorial does not go over much more than game play. A tutorial to break down the main menus and the features would be cool. I also feel like I’ve purchased a bunch of skins but what do these do? I haven’t been able to figure it out. I enjoy this game but again, it’s frustrating to play because there’s so much information left out or up to interpretation.
I used to play this game years ago back when it was an actual app and had a different name. It still has the same problem, namely, the control scheme. Due to the nature of the constant offense, defense, and building of this game, where you are trying to build and set up your territories to destroy your enemies and protect your areas, this game involves intense interaction with the user interface. In order to provide an immersive experience, such a time-based, complex game requires a fast and easy to use UI. This game is rather frustrating in that regard, because the globe system means that you can only see a fraction of the board at once, meaning you often cannot see where your enemy’s weapons were fired from and are targeting at the same time, for example. This bottleneck to information-gathering makes you feel like you are fighting against the poorly designed UI instead of fighting against an opponent or an enemy. It is annoying
Like everyone else. This game is actually really fun. Once you get the hang of it. Like anything. It isn’t perfect. Here are some notes. Multiplayer: I agree with the other players. There simply aren’t enough PvP moments to even make it an option. Defense: Compared to the weapons. Defense still feels a bit underwhelming. For example, between the yellow and res factions they have two options that are virtually unstoppable from a one region space. While all level 7 and up mussels are a touch to slow. And even the nose basic well designed defensive arsenal makes those weapons more optional. Offense: As I mentioned. Any mussels above level 5 is tricky because they all are entirely to slow. Also, the newly added stealth ship for the yellow faction is 50/50 at best and doesn’t make sense if it is unsuccessful in its capture move. Factions: Actually really balanced. Gameplay: The few times I’ve played a human opponent. We needed more time. The scale of every map doesn’t equate with the pace of game play. Sure, you run the risk of games becoming deadlocked. But, I would prefer to end my game. Not have it end because we both ran out of time.
It has taken me an hour and a half of gameplay with lots of trial and error, but now I finally understand how to play this game, and it’s great! I didn’t know I had a bunch of unlocked new cards until I saw the tiny lock icon glowing, quite by accident, and now I’ve gotten much better. I’ve also been perplexed by the seeming suggestion that I can play as “the bad guys,” but I couldn’t figure out how. I just discovered that it’s by flipping over to the other team in the deck-building tab. So now I’m excited to try the bad guys out! The core gameplay of this game is super fun, and I’m glad it’s on Apple Arcade. I just wish it had been a little easier to figure out.
I enjoy this game. I wonder if it is possible to put it on the regular App Store as there are not enough humans to play against (-1 star). The UI is not intuitive at first and when I first started playing it skipped the demo (for some reason) which added to my confusion. I was able to play the tutorial and got a handle on how to play. The tutorial could be better to show how to set which cards you go into battle with. Also there needs to be more information (or explanation) about the weapons and what they are good or bad against. Keep it up! It has promise.
This game is amazing, it’s very fun, I only have one complaint. When you start a match, it counts down 30 seconds. I use this for a quick game or two but I have to wait half a minute to play. If you change this or add an AI mode that loads immediately, I’ll change my rating to 5 stars Edit This is now 5 stars! You can play against AI which doesn’t take so long to load now I play this a lot thank you!
The red team (I forgot there name) has a super powerful rocket that if you get sent to you can’t get enough defense because you don’t get super powerful defenses and even the AI dose this strat it ends all of your games and so I can’t complete the missions to get better defense cards love the Idea Don’t like the product. Long paragraph sort need fixes to the 9 power rockets When I played as the red team I went up agents the red team as purple and they had 2 of the 9 power rockets when I had 1 of them. Last not to the devs I don’t think this should be sponsored Apple Arcade it is a unfair and cruel start for new players I will stick to KINGS LEAGUE 2. Sorry I am kind of mean but it is true.
I enjoy this game but it feels a little underdeveloped. Most of the weapons aren’t finished yet as far as I can tell. I’ve unlocked the majority of weapons that show up on the skill tree and am not sure if the rest are hidden but from checking Twitter it looks like they’re just in the works. My main issue with this game is that no one is playing multiplayer and the computer has played smart a few times but since I’ve started I’ve only lost a few times and now have a 40 win streak. May give it up for now and wait for development.
Here are some youtube videos of the game.
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