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100% organic town-builder







Outlanders is a charming town-builder simulation game that lets you play as the leader of a group of regular people building a town together. Some want to survive, while others want to build amazing things. It’s up to you to guide them towards their goal. Take control of the will of a town leader and balance your resources carefully to lead the town to prosperity. Every choice you make directly affects the progress of your town and has an impact on the happiness of your followers. Features: - Play through a series of distinct levels, each with its own unique flavour and set of challenges to overcome, with many more to come soon. - Engaging gameplay with no hand-holding! Carefully manage your resources and keep your followers happy or they might revolt! - Crisp and clean audio-visual style with an atmospheric touch that lingers with you after you put the game down. - Light but rich storytelling follows the tales of different town leaders in their search for a hassle-free natural lifestyle. - A wide selection of buildings to choose from, with specific functions that are vital to the success of your community. - Decree system lets you make the tough decisions, granting you a useful bonus in exchange for a small sacrifice.


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7

Ratings & Reviews

Needs balance in food
Sat May 30 2020 Nick 10baseT

The overall game play is fun and the rotation of worlds and objectives keeps it engaging. My biggest bone to pick is with the food. Tomatoes are so far superior to bread that bread is pointless except for some objectives. It is almost a luxury good. Planting each takes the same time, as does growth to harvest. Each tomato plot produces 2 tomatoes vs each wheat plot making 1 wheat. But later on this gets balanced back when one flour becomes 2 bread despite what the bakery building says. The problem with bread starts with the harvest. Each time the little guy has to go to the barn get the scythe cut the grain then go back to the barn to return the scythe then go back to the wheat pick it up and stock it. For tomato harvest the little people just walk to the plot pull the tomato and trundle to the stock, done food available. The added time for wheat harvest is quite a lot. Then there is the windmill followed by the bakery, more labor, land and resources invested for as far as I can tell no gain. I just feel that the added complexity and inputs should garner some benefit and I do not see it. The brewery you can at least say gives happiness bonus but I am not sure how much. A smaller issue is with how the little guys seem focused on harvest over planning, if they swapped or if workers after the first could focus on planning then the utilization of the land would be much improved.

Feed back (please read developers)
Tue May 26 2020 RaidingSucks

This game is great and has lots of potential and I know you developers know that. These ideas may have already come across you minds but here are some great additions you can add. First, being probably the best addition to the game would be a boat to travel to new lands. This idea would let us make new Societies in other places and also gather more resources. I think adding bigger boats and smaller ones would let us bring a certain amount of people and resources to the new land and bring back to the original land. You should also add an armory to train area for fighting and hunting. This would let me villagers eat meat instead of veggies all the time. The area and training area would train guard to protect or attack enemy villages (online or AI I’m happy with both). Third will be quick mentions you should put your ideas into. Upgrading buildings so they can have more workers in one. Upgrade the lumberjack cabin would take stone and then I can have more people. When you upgrade things they should look cooler so the lumberjack cabin would become stone or atleast more stone in the build. Same with houses. Add walls to protect villagers if you do my second idea about attacks and protecting. Fishing should be added. Anyways I hope this does bug you guys because I know you guy are working and have probably thought of all those ideas already but I’m to excited for this games next update.

Very Good Game—Full of Potential
Sun Mar 12 2023 lookingformoonlight

To me, this is the best game on the my iPhone which (far as I know) was made for this platform, though you can now play it on PC. Gameplay can range from blessedly simple to complex and challenging to track, but it ramps up gradually, even in sandbox mode. However, it still feels a bit like an unfinished game—granted, one with a fair amount of levels, though they go by quickly. I’ve only played on my iPhone, which may be more prone to these issues (I’m not sure), but sandbox mode can’t handle over 200 followers. Even approaching that limit is a bad idea, and the game with crash and start to quickly overheat my phone long before reaching it. That said, I’ve played enough to know how to delicately balance the population, which isn’t easy but prevents everyone from dying suddenly. Unfortunately, my phone will still crash regularly by the time they have enough people to run the village. My biggest pet peeve with sandbox mode is that you can’t use certain styles of buildings, because they will change to a different theme when the game crashes, which it inevitably does. I’m sure if the developers keep committed to it, this will be a fantastic game. Maybe the PC is its future. I have yet to try it, but I’m sure I will eventually.

Loved this
Thu May 06 2021 deedledug

Updated review spring 2021: still love this game. I have a couple recommendations! 1) level 11 instructions should be reworded, says everyone needs a home when guests arrive. I will have homes for everyone when the new followers arrive, and as soon as there’s a surge in babies you automatically lose. If the prompt is meant to be “no followers without a home *after* the new followers arrive,” I would make that shifting wording, “after” vs. “when.” 2) every now and then when I am recycling something it’ll leave the little dashed white border on the ground after the item is removed. Sometimes it’ll prevent new building in that spot, sometimes it allows it. I think more often than not, it allows building on top, but it’s a little annoying. Def not end of the world though, just thought I’d mention it ☺️ 3) some fun employment opportunities for the followers could be a printing press, textile maker, laundry, fishing, dairy farm, apothecary! Maybe even a theater / amphitheater :-) (could possibly add “health” and “hygiene” scales in addition to hunger and happiness) Original review summer 2020: Very addictive, I couldn’t put it down! Would enjoy more levels (Not necessarily harder, just more prompts to do. The last two levels were quite challenging, haha.)

This game is everything I have been looking for
Tue Jul 18 2023 PhxThePizza

I started my journey a few years ago, I wanted a civ sim game that was fun, had no ads, was not a “god” sim and had a lot of people working for you. I wanted it to have custom world generation, like Minecraft. There are only three problems I have with this game. I wish it had a better sandbox mode, like world box’s debugging thing, where you could give your civilization infinite resources. Another thing I wish this game had, is, again like WorldBox; a favorites system. I really liked a character named “germán” for instance; and wished there was a favorites feature where I could get updates about them, for instance if they are harvesting crops or if they die. And lastly; I have never seen a civ game do this. GIVE THE PLAYERS THE ABILITY TO SEE WHAT THE CHARACTER SEES!!! Make first person mode! I know it’s SUPER hard and I mean that. But I just KNOW that it’s possible. Do that and you have made the PERFECT civ sim game!! Thank you for ending my journey, I hope you read this. If you are thinking of getting this game; JUST DO IT. THIS GAME IS WORTH BUYING APPLE ARCADE FOR, I would say. Take my word for it. There is nothing on Apple Arcade or just- anywhere that is even remotely close to this. Thank you so much for reading all this.

Cool game
Fri Jul 02 2021 Djdeester

I play this game all the time and completed all the levels . I believe in waiting for new levels to upload that once completing all the levels that it should unlock new things to build in the Sandbox for example being able to build a fire place for the villager or certain things you had access to build through the levels should happen in the Sandbox. I believe you can have fun with this game until the new levels upload also have more interaction with the villagers just like the sims game would make this a little bit more fun. It gets boring when you only have a few things to build and only three landscapes. I wish the developers put more into this game because it’s definitely my go to game when I’m bored and have nothing to do. Please develop this game and give better features. Do the developers even read the reviews? The head leader of the village should be able to die too and have a vote in by the other villagers. I’m tired of just seeing the villagers just work and sleep. I wish there was more engagement with the villagers. Additionally what’s the whole point of knowing about each villagers if that feature has nothing to do with the game. Also when is the next update to the game ?

Excellent game/must download/Bug fix Request
Wed Jun 03 2020 SargSkySlayer

First want to say, Excellent update, if someone hasn’t downloaded the game yet it is a must. Now onto the bug or possible feature... I am currently playing sandbox mode on the 3rd map (four separate land sections split by rivers). I am on day 360, with the Love each other decree on. I cannot seem to get my population over about 219 max. My food is at 2800 tomatoes, 400 bread, and a lot of the other resources. There have been countless times that a handful of villagers will die of hunger, even when the stock piles are spread throughout the islands all full of food. The other cause of death is old age, I understand that if 5 people were born on a day, they will also all 5 die on that same day, so my adult/child population goes up and down regularly with the child to adult conversion offsetting the old age deaths at times and others my adult population plummets while my child population skyrockets. I can’t get over the 220 population. It would also be cool to be able to click on the hungry notification and be directed to someone who is hungry, so I can see if they are working in an area far from food or if there is something I can do to make food more readily available for them.

The first challenge is very hard
Sat May 06 2023 9685 out of them all

So I’m going to start with my complaints, the first quest is really hard for a first timer. You have a limited amount of days and sometimes the workers just sit around and do nothing! But this leads into my second complaint about the people, they will barely work and then be mad about starving even though they aren’t doing their jobs. And then when you have full happiness on one click on a button it goes down to zero. The game is fun in sandbox version and has very good graphics, I hav been looking for a game like this and it’s good but my question is why can’t you make your own person? Like if you Japanese and want to be a Japanese leader you might not have a option that you like. Another issue i see is how some of the people are made, one of the selection is a blue haired woman, this I find very odd as for since what seems like during this time they had no hair dye? And the kids turn adult 16 even though the way not in days is they turn adult 18. But in the old days and I will say this children turn adults when reaching near the age seven so this is why I don’t have to much issue for the age rang. But over all the game is good and I hope it has more updates 🔜🇺🇸

Lots of progress, tons of potential.
Thu Sep 16 2021 lexbee302

This game is updated relatively infrequently, which isn’t such a bad thing when the updates are pretty substantial. I like sandbox mode, but it’s horribly limiting after a short period of time. Your population will stop growing, and your villagers will just quit having babies. Then when you close and come back, the game will try to right itself and stick an extra 50 or 100 babies to balance out the complete lack of children in the village. Problem is that I just opened up my game and have 47 homeless villagers now. And I can only build so many more houses without sacrificing the farms, and then they’ll starve anyway. I also can’t possibly employ that many followers, so they just get mad. The maps are relatively small, and there’s no room for expansion. I liked the idea of a boat and sending villagers to other lands and potentially receiving resources in return. That’s a simple idea but rather elegant fix. Less mouths to feed, and you get something in return. I rate 4 vs 5 stars because of infrequent updates, little to no information available in game or online for tips / tricks, and limited sandbox mode. I rarely rate apps, honestly, but this one is pretty addicting and fun to play.

Would give 5 but…
Sat Jan 07 2023 Nolalala

This game is addicting and chill and so fun! It’s easy to get used to but there is one issue that I ran into playing through the levels that has made me fail at levels after hours of play. The wording in some of the levels makes it difficult to know what the game expects, meaning that you can suddenly fail a level despite your best efforts to fall within the parameters. It’s as simple as “stay under 14 followers” meaning the moment you hit 14, you fail. Also the most frustrating (so far) is the Midsupper level, where the wording makes it sound as though you need to survive 10 days with no one dying of hunger when in reality it must be the full 90 days. Also the wording suggests you must have homes ready to *receive* followers but the game expects your followers to be settled at all times, which is frustrating particularly because the builders simply would not move fast enough to solve the problem in time. It may sound as if I’m being finicky, but the nature of this game is to finish within the parameters and that becomes difficult when you don’t know what they are. I hope the developers will fix this because it is otherwise a fun and addicting game!



  1. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS is the new story for the 2024 Release. This level is hard to get the option mission.

  2. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS is the new story for the 2024 Release. This level is hard to get the option mission.


Outlanders is a survival game where you control towns and make sure they have enough food, while building other things to meet goals. It has a stylish and lean strategy gameplay set in the post-apocalypse. Some reviewers have praised its grim and hopeless mood, but others have found it tense but tedious. You can watch a gameplay walkthrough here. Do you like this kind of game?

link to Page

  1. OutLanders is a City building Strategy game. Each level have a goal and a bonus achievement. Currently there are only 6 levels. Will it have more level in the future. I hope they will. It is a good game to play if you love City Building game.

  2. Level 2 is another easy Level. This level is for you to learn how to build farm and create food for your citizen.

  3. Level 3 is start the get harder. This level you have to make sure you have enough food.

  4. Level 4 is a very fun stage. You are trying to create a wickerbread man. The key of it is you have enough food to generate enough bread for contribution.

  5. Level 5 is a very small map. You would not have a lot of resource for it. So Be careful what to use for the lumber.

  6. Outlanders Level 6 is the last level of the current update. It is not an easy level. You will have too many people at the end of the game and take all of your food. Don't worry about it, speed up your process, and finished the 7 windmill and 5 taverns...

  7. Outlanders Level 7, a new level after the update. There are a lot changing of the game, such as the graphics, corps. Here is the Full Gameplay Walkthrough without FastForward. Hope you enjoy the video.

  8. Outlanders Level 8, a new level after the update. There are a lot changing of the game, such as the graphics, corps. Here is the Full Gameplay Walkthrough without FastForward. Hope you enjoy the video.

  9. Outlanders Level 9, a new level after the update. This level is a little challenging. The key to achieve the optional goal is to keep building. Do not stop building, since you may not have enough time to finish. Here is the Full Gameplay Walkthrough w...

  10. Outlanders Level 10, a new level after the update. This is not a hard challenge. The thing you would need to do is to relocated everything from the centre, in order to build the status. And here is the full walkthrough.

Flood and Fire

link to Flood and Fire Page

  1. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2022 Dev Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 1.

  2. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2022 Dev Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 2.

  3. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2022 Dev Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 3.

  4. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2022 Dev Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 4.

  5. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2022 Dev Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 5.

  6. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2022 Dev Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 6.

Heir of the Roads

link to Heir of the Roads Page

  1. Heir of the roads is the new story for the 2022 Sept Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus.

  2. Heir of the roads is the new story for the 2022 Sept Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 2.

  3. Heir of the roads is the new story for the 2022 Sept Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 3.

  4. Heir of the roads is the new story for the 2022 Sept Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 4.

  5. Heir of the roads is the new story for the 2022 Sept Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 5.

  6. Heir of the roads is the new story for the 2022 Sept Release. This is the very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 6.

Life of Yolotli

link to Life of Yolotli Page

  1. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2023 Release. This is very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 1.

  2. Flood and Fire is the new story for the 2023 Release. This is very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 2.

  3. Life of Yolotli is the new story for the 2023 Release. This is very hard, and here is how I did it with complete walkthrough and win with bonus for the level 3.

  4. Life of Yolotli is the new story for the 2023 Release. This level is very hard, and I am able to beat it at the last day. Check out how I did it.

  5. Life of Yolotli is the new story for the 2023 Release. This level is very hard, you don't have much food and woods at the beginning. Check out how I did beat this level.

  6. Life of Yolotli is the new story for the 2023 Release. This level is hard to get the option mission.


link to Classics Page

  1. OutLanders is a City building Strategy game. Each level have a goal and a bonus achievement. Currently there are only 6 levels. Will it have more level in the future. I hope they will. It is a good game to play if you love City Building game.

  2. Level 2 is another easy Level. This level is for you to learn how to build farm and create food for your citizen.

  3. Level 3 is start the get harder. This level you have to make sure you have enough food.

  4. Level 4 is a very fun stage. You are trying to create a wickerbread man. The key of it is you have enough food to generate enough bread for contribution.

  5. Level 5 is a very small map. You would not have a lot of resource for it. So Be careful what to use for the lumber.

  6. Outlanders Level 6 is the last level of the current update. It is not an easy level. You will have too many people at the end of the game and take all of your food. Don't worry about it, speed up your process, and finished the 7 windmill and 5 taverns...

  7. Outlanders Level 7, a new level after the update. There are a lot changing of the game, such as the graphics, corps. Here is the Full Gameplay Walkthrough without FastForward. Hope you enjoy the video.

  8. Outlanders Level 8, a new level after the update. There are a lot changing of the game, such as the graphics, corps. Here is the Full Gameplay Walkthrough without FastForward. Hope you enjoy the video.

  9. Outlanders Level 9, a new level after the update. This level is a little challenging. The key to achieve the optional goal is to keep building. Do not stop building, since you may not have enough time to finish. Here is the Full Gameplay Walkthrough w...

  10. Outlanders Level 10, a new level after the update. This is not a hard challenge. The thing you would need to do is to relocated everything from the centre, in order to build the status. And here is the full walkthrough.

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