Shinsekai Into the Depths

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Wondrous Discovery







The game has been retired


Here are some screenshots of the game.

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Ratings & Reviews

A strong Metroidvania game (3.5-4)
Tue Mar 02 2021 Nothing like androids app very disappointing.

The difficulty: challenges and tasks are on par with more known games. It pulls you in for multiple hours of play. Bosses will likely need multiple attempts to defeat until you learn the tricks to beating each. Classically like many games within the genre: game starts off with a sense of progression, and then you get submarine, and better weapons, allowing you to move more about the game to separate areas and complete tasks or just gather supplies. Negatives despite the quality of game, the graphics lacked and appear dated, controls may work well but were hampered by waiting for video to play out last moves. To that, too many wait and watch scenes to play out. Storyline was good, but not entirely understood, but after an attempt on the final boss one must watch game credits before re-attempts, forcing this user to force close the game to play from the last saved location, which coincidently is the same location if you wait out the credits. Final boss win is anti-climatic, dude disappears and video plays of parting ways of robot assistant, (who, BTW, just pushed you into the boss fight, changing the storyline completely), then credits again. I'd recommend the game, because of the brain work and challenges, with the caveat that the anti-climatic ending, poor graphics, and lack of scene skipping may cause loss of interest, frustration, and putting away for some time. It's beatable, takes mild-moderate effort, with multiple re-attempts.

the game was over pretty good🤷🏻‍♀️ (4.5 stars)
Sat Nov 09 2019 tlouis14

i just finished the game today and overall it played well except for the submarine controls. And when you have to fight one of the bosses with it it is absolutely terrible. But other than that the game took some understanding to get used to, and i got about a quarter of the way in and got stuck. and then i gave up on it for a while and came back to it today and figured out where to go. And after that i just finished the game and i didn’t realize how much time passed. But it was around 6 hours that’s how immersed i was. And i really didn’t enjoy the ending that much and i played both of the endings. Which theres a good and bad ending and i will say the good ending is satisfying but kind of sad at the same time. But look at me i got sad over two characters that don’t even have any dialogue😂😭. But overall it was a pretty okay game for a mobile side scroller. Overall i give this game a 4.5 but it won’t let me do 4.5 on the app store

Uniquely Satisftying & Addictive
Mon Oct 07 2019 Coeur de Parisienne

The game plays very well. Graphics, music, sounds are all part of the underwater world you are making your way through as you find all you need to survive. Of course, it is trial and error with certain aspects of the game. But it us fun and I quite enjoy all the features. If I do not fully understand some of the game, I will work with it until I eventually do make it through the challenge. With that being said, I would like to learn that I have yet to find is a much deeper instruction on features not covered within the games basic instructions. If there were a way to go to a specific gameplay directions, it may not be as frustrating while trying to figure out some unique feature not explained with the existing instructions. There nay be a site that goes into the overall gameplay that I am unaware exists. If there is, I would love to know. But this game ranks high on my favorites within the Apple Arcade grouling.

Mediocre game and a terrible medium for such a game
Thu Nov 28 2019 SamSBD

It starts out almost promising before it reveals itself to be a middling Metroidvania. One could say that it is impressive that they jammed a game like this into my pocket rectangle. That is not true however since we were happy in much poorer hardware in consoles and PCs decades ago; it would have been impressive to see a game well adapted to phone use. Alas, everything having to do with it being a phone game does not work. The controls are terrible; crashing into stuff because the control limitations were not thought through has not been acceptable in video games for the past 20 years. Why are we back to it now? Furthermore, phone games need to accommodate being frequently paused and resumed; played for a few minutes at a time. This means games need to have a very robust map and checkpoint systems. These game has neither. Who does not have a computer or a console these days? Those media allow for playing for hours at a time and therefore do not need the above features. However, a phone game gets old very quickly without them.

Worth a Second Look!
Sat Apr 03 2021 Addesso

When this first came out on Apple Arcade, I gave it a huge pass based off of reviews. I was very familiar with Capcom games and this didn’t look up to snuff. Well, this past winter (20-21), Arcade had a ton of lackluster games and seeking something adventure-oriented, I decided to check it out. Despite the funky graphics and janky controls, it’s a pretty good Metroidvania! The underwater setting was original for this type of gameplay, end there are genuine frantic moments to be had when you realize you’re really deep in a crevasse, short on air, and low on harpoons and supplies. It does have a weird sci-if setting (which it goes full in on with confusing menus that won’t make sense initially), but reminds me of far-future stories like Valley of the Wind. Boss fights are meh, but if you’re looking for a low-key exploration game to tide you over till the next (hopefully) Metroid, I highly recommend this title.

Another no mans sky...
Fri Sep 20 2019 hdjsjdjfdjd

Waited for this game since it’s reveal on the Apple Event, only to be somewhat distasteful experience due to the lack of adjustable controls it’s really clunky experience trying to get a hang over the thrusters. The blurred out graphics on my iPhone X doesn’t make any sense at all! I can’t adjust the graphics, kinda depicts the visual aesthetics of the game from its true self. The Pros are certainly there; for say the movements of the character seem so polished, even the movement of the flashlight is somewhat breathtaking for me. The climbing effects, and many little other things like the controller support it actually fixes the hassle of the controlling issue and makes the experience even better then before but I’m carrying a DualShock 4 or whatever else with me at all times! So other stuff like achievements of dying all make up an overall good experience but not amazing due to the cons. If they can get fixed just like No Mans Sky I can change my review but for now I stand by it.

Good job
Sun Feb 02 2020 josephq10

It did not tell me at first this would be a metroidvania but oh well. It’s such a good metroidvania though. But there are quite a few problems. The controls ( especially with the submarine ) are janky. The storyline is really hard to understand. I think that the best part of the game is finding discoveries and collectibles. And digging the minerals is always so satisfying. But the last problem I will share is this one uncollectible mineral. It’s located in the trench in the very top right. Where a lot of minerals are. And it’s a space without water. And I guess you are supposed to climb up the wall to get to the platform where the mineral is. But it wont let you climb to the right spot so I can’t collect it. And sometimes I find the saving things bit annoying EDIT: I just got to some air tunnels in the sunken ship and I have no way to get past them and get the minerals

Super fun hope to see another like it
Wed Dec 18 2019 lilliss111

I was hooked as soon as I started and beat the game in twelve hours (over about three days) The only thing I didn’t like was how hard it was to understand the storyline. I got most of it but some of the portraits I had to stare at for a long time to understand it. Also I really love completion in game and I thought I’d be able to go back in after the final boss and collect everything I didn’t before. Instead it keeps spawning me at the save point before the boss. And this would be fine but the trigger to this final boss is also the elevator to go back up. So because I forgot to make an alternate save before I got to the bottom-bottom I’m in a loop of just fighting the boss. Loved it and I hope to see another like it

Wed Sep 18 2019 Tony21987

This game is fun and challenging. Some reviews talk about the controls being terrible. I’ve played for about 30 minutes and yes the controls take some getting used to especially when you need to hold onto a wall while digging for resources. But once you get used to them they are easy. As far as the screen being “blurry” while on iPad. I am playing this on my iPad and the screen looks great. You need to understand that you are under water with plants and all sorts of other things. This isn’t Cancun it’s a survival game in the depths of the water. Play this game. You will have a hard time putting it down.

Good game, I loved it at the beginning, but…
Wed Dec 23 2020 Noname_2p0_7

Beautiful artwork, great experience of exploring the deep ocean, a completed story line to find out the history of the ocean people.… Everything seems great in the first couple of hours, and I’d like to give a 5 stars if the experience continued. BUT, the gaming experience got worse and worse because of the map design. It looks like a Metroidvania type game, but the map design was really bad. There was not enough hint to guide the player to open the new areas. I was stuck in some points in the game, and run the whole opened areas several times but still couldn’t find the way or materials to go further. I had to go online to search guides to continue the game. That really effects the playing experience. I believe this could be a great game but there are still some places to improve.

Related Youtube Videos!

Here are some youtube videos of the game.

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