Fallen Knight

Info, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Glitch, News

Let me show you a fair fight.







The game has been retired


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Ratings & Reviews

Gareth’s own path
Mon Mar 20 2023 DroneXL

Hey here’s a suggestion for a new level for Fallen Knight give Gareth his own story arc. After all he played more than a slight role in the game since he was not only Lancelot’s prized pupil he was also able to take on the Purge’s forces for a month. More importantly he was able to take on Lucifer himself who even said to Gareth “You might have actually defeated me if only you were a little more experienced”. And he certainly lived up to it when you face him as a boss in the rebellion. (I should know he was a nightmare to beat). Anyway, the point is since Gareth was such a personal favorite to the main character Lancelot he should at least be given his own story arc to make sure it’s not TOTALLY all about Lancelot. You could make the story about how Gareth was doing in the Cathedral and what he went through the purge before facing off against Lucifer. Where said character could also be the final boss in Gareth’s own story arc and the cutscene ending being the same thing you see in Galahads story were Gareth is save by the assassin and escapes. Then after words we could see Gareth recovering and then we see him hear about his teachers unexpected rebellion and is willing to defend the Cathedral and hopes this could be his chance to finally surpass his former mentor and friend. So what do you guys think? (Yay or Nay?)

Very fun but kind of glitchy
Thu Feb 18 2021 SAADNAVED

When I first played this game it took me 20 or so tries to beat the juggernaut but then I couldn’t beat any of the others and I quit. Later I cam back when the new update came out and I managed to beat all the bosses and unlocked the final act but haven't beaten it yet. Anyway the game is pretty fun you can choose abilities and have cool attacks and have to battle bosses and have an interesting storyline. Though the game is pretty fun their are some glitch’s. One of them is that in the new Galahad solo adventure if you throw a knife at an enemy too many times, Galahad gets stuck going in one direction and the joystick pretty much becomes useless. This bug is pretty frustrating because to fix you have to die or restart and Galahad can't even respawn from the last checkpoint. Their is also another weird but useful glitch with Lancelot fighting bosses where the boss gets stuck in drill mode, where he is spinning around at Lancelot, in the wall and then he can't attack you and you can just kill him. I hope the first glitch gets fixed in an update soon. I also wish that there where health bars on the bosses because the bosses are kind of frustrating to beat but would be a lot better if they just had health bars to see how close you are to beating it. Over all it is a pretty fun game and I hope more features get added to it soon and Apple Arcade publishes more fun games like this one.

This game may aggregate you.
Tue Sep 29 2020 Jschwab96

I really wanted to like this game. I played the game when it was first released on Apple Arcade and managed to beat the Juggernaut boss after dying a million times (This was before he was balanced). My main complaints with the game was that it relied to heavily on parrying your engines to get bonuses. This was often impossible, especially with bullets flying in your direction. On the second stage particularly, this was impossible as you are often being targeted off screen and this gives you little time to wait for an opening to parry an enemy. As well it was impossible to heal yourself during these moments because you’d lose health faster from being sniped off screen. After coming back to the game, I see little to no change in the gameplay. Levels are just as difficult and I feel like the game punishes you even as an advanced player. There is little to no “skill” involved in successfully taking out enemies other than being patient and hoping you don’t rage quit or break your device. I am not a huge fan of casual mode. It’s the same thoughts I had with Frogger in Toy Town...when you have to add a casual mode to make your game anywhere near playable, even as a hardcore gamer, something’s gone wrong. There is no reason in playing a game that supplies you with training wheels. I appreciate the effort put into the game and love the art direction. It’s just way too challenging for me.

One of the best games I’ve played on a mobile
Sun Sep 05 2021 Omar/Calibur

This is my first game review because I don’t get why people are giving this game such low ratings. This game is quite literally amazing, I love the art style, the animations and how smoothly it runs for a mobile game. The gameplay is top notch and very exciting too! Only thing that I found slightly annoying is the difficulty of farming honor points to get more levels before beating the last boss. I understand it may be part of the experience but all I wanna say is an average mobile player does not have the time to replay all these levels so many times to kill bosses over and over just to get strong enough to beat the final boss or even enjoy all the beautiful upgrades in the game. I hope the devs take note of this and introduce a way for the player to gather honor points a bit more easily so more people can enjoy this game before getting bored of having to beat the same levels over and over. Overall, love the game easy 5 stars, thank you!

GREAT just a couple problems
Sun Jun 06 2021 juhshjs(#bxjh

It has good graphix, easy gameplay, good stories, fun levels & cool maps but the 5 problems are: 1: On the 2nd level, there’s a thing that keeps on putting a target thing on me and I don’t know how to stop it and it’s annoying, doesn’t let me heal normally without getting shot every 3 seconds. 2: sometimes it get’s me stuck running into a wall and I can’t get out no matter how much I try to get off the wall and sometimes it just doesn’t let me move and I’m just stuck being shot at. 3: I can’t play any music while I’m playing the video game. 4: sometimes there’s this glitch where I can’t heal even when I use Lancelot. 5: When I bought (not with real money) the double jump ability, it disabled my double jump.

Sun Oct 01 2023 Slitheringbee

I love that Lancelot gains angel powers and all but I love the game and all and I have mastered it learning to take down bosses in up to three tries and all but I’m on episode four of rise of fallen where I love that Lancelot gains new powers combined with my god of wrath I beat Gawain like. Nothing but why does Percival come back like I beat her I’m like so surprised I thought I was gonna face off a new one ☝️ maybe it’s just part of the game but awesome twist I thought she was gone for good very amazing game takes a lot to master but I’m only a kid but after I finish rise of fallen I’ll do that rest of the rebellion just a quick question I been playing rise of fallen but no information on Lancelot friend just that I wake up with his scarf 🧣 and angel 😇 powers but dark powers and then in a prologue he kills bots 🤖 in cold blood 🩸 it says it on the prologue

Good idea, needs polish.
Tue Oct 27 2020 Appmaster248?!

There’s a fantastic concept and idea behind this game but the controls need some serious work. The jumps and dashes feel extremely sloppy, to the point a simple platform jump is a heart attack to see if it’s landed or not. The parry system needs tweaking too. There’s not a clear indication to when to actually parry. Just gotta assume when the right time is based on the attacking animations of the enemies. But there’s not a separate color or flash to indicate the timing. The stage gimmicks and enemies do whatever they please and you just gotta bend to the games whim. Very annoying that everything seems to have a pattern but the game gives you 0 opportunities to learn from the stages. This is mostly due to the lack of I- frames and the enemies being solid hit boxes themselves. This game is a mega man type game and the lack of I frames and enemies having physical hit boxes that block your path means you take FAR more unnecessary damage. It’s trial and error to the extreme

Play This Game If You Want To Be Aggravated
Tue Dec 08 2020 PlurgeTrooper

Okay Okay! I tried to beat this game without disarming the bosses then the game corrupted my file so I tried to beat the bosses with disarming them! I beat it... It was ridiculously hard in casual!! The gameplay is decent but their are a huge amount of issues with difficulty! I like the game but from a critical stance their are a lot of issues. Play this game if you want a challenge and also like futuristic knights! Good things about the game include the game play the setting the characters and when you disarm the bosses you feel very good like you are saving someone! I might beat the game on normal and then update this review! Overall decently good but there is a lot of issues! Thanks for reading! I hope you listen to my advice and remember this is all my opinion. Thank you to the developers for responding! Once a update is out I will try to beat the game on normal.

Game controller highly recommended
Fri Feb 24 2023 TheCharleston

Make no mistake, this game is fantastic. I love the art and gameplay. It’s a nice, fluid game. Nice and challenging. I think it is a bit too challenging without a game controller. A game controller would probably increase enjoyment if you play console games at all. Not a given, but for me it certainly did. Couple things. On level 2 of Rise of the Fallen, once you start to enter the building, you have to jump to play the rest of the level. Frustrated me a lot. Second of all, I beat the first two paths, and it won’t let me progress beyond level 2 of Rebellion of the Fallen despite beating the boss several times. Am I missing something, or is that a bug? Please help. If the developers read this, your games most certainly brighten my day.

Not up to standard
Mon May 31 2021 Theta Chi

It’s ok. The good: Controls and sound… also it has potential. The bad: The controls are not tight. There’s no double jump or dash while jumping. It’s hard to jump behind an enemy to stab them in the back. If you have played ANY decent platformer, you will be disappointed with the controls. Also: the bosses are “bullet sponges.” I put that in quotes because you aren’t technically shooting them, but you hack and hack and hack away at the bosses with no indicator of progress. I thought I might not be hitting them right because the boss seemed to never die. Eventually they did. Overall, It’s a frustrating game, and I plan to spend my time playing something else.

Related Youtube Videos!

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