Neo Cab

Info, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Glitch, News

Cyberpunk taxicab confessions.







Hold on to humanity in a world overcome by automation. Play as Lina, the last human driver-for-hire on the streets of Los Ojos. Your friend and only lifeline has gone missing; with no money and nowhere to stay, the only thing you can do is keep driving. Meet people. Learn their stories. Stay human! From the Neo Cab app, you’ll choose your passengers and navigate the city grid. Connect and converse with them as you drive to their destination. You’ll need to maintain your perfect rating to stay on the road. Balance your monetary needs and the needs of your passengers with your own emotional wellbeing. What’s more important: your mental health or your star rating? Connect with your pax: Find ways to connect with passengers. Each has their own story to tell. Uncover the secrets of Los Ojos: Lina’s best course for survival is to to keep driving. Piece together what has happened to Savy as you help Lina navigate the city grid. Balance your own emotional needs with that of your pax: Each passenger interaction will affect Lina’s mood and it’s up to you to manage their emotional wellbeing. Balance Lina’s monetary needs, the necessity for a five-star rating, and the needs of pax with what feels right. Find your own route: Neo Cab features a branching narrative with pax stories written by Leigh Alexander, Kim Belair, Bruno Dias, Duncan Fyfe, Paula Rogers & Robin Sloan.


Here are some screenshots of the game.

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Ratings & Reviews

My favorite game on arcade
Mon Sep 23 2019 ComeOnThisCantBeTaken

Yes this game is essentially a visual novel that gives you choices for what you say. However, as someone who doesn’t typically enjoy these types of games, I am absolutely loving Neo Cab. The graphics are gorgeous and really add to the overall mood and subtle animations and quirky character models gives every passenger you pick up a unique and believable personality. Conversations feel very natural, and the dialog options given are usually good enough. Plus, so far at least, the story has been very engaging and interesting. That said, I have found a few bugs. A couple times, I’ve had my character say a dialog option that I didn’t select nor was even available while the passenger was talking. Also, you’re locked out of certain dialog options due to your character’s emotional state. This is usually fine and a fun mechanic, but sometimes feels like a way for the developers to hide an unfinished dialog tree. Overall, though I would highly recommend playing. Be prepared to be sucked into a beautifully creative world

Mon Apr 06 2020 gurlwhogives

No joke, this is my favorite mobile game I’ve ever played. It’s charming, creative, fun... runs smoothly, makes you think. The dystopian world is interesting, and the graphics are lovely. The story is also intriguing... and I think it’s so clever they say it ends. It’s like you’ll never really know what happened to everyone you met. Some things will remain a mystery. And interacting with the characters? So cool! I love talking to them, making connections with them, all of that. Plus the game has lots of subtle messages about reality... it’s very clever that way. But most of all, I love how this game makes you feel... like when I finally got to tell Savy off I felt so angry, and yet pleased with myself. Like, I was really yelling at someone I hated. Getting to emotionally destroy her was very fun, and while that sounds cruel,I somehow found myself hating her that much. And she’s just a NPC! And the characters I loved... I loved them so much... the slow bonding and friendships were amazing. It’s a beautiful game. Nice job to everyone who had a part in making it! My only complaint is that it ended. 100% would recommend to everyone! 😀

Wonderfully crafted masterpiece!!
Tue Oct 15 2019 Happyme543

I know it sounds cheesy to say, but this game was an absolute joy to play through and experience. It has such emotional upbeats that highlight such a mature and moving story through the medium of a visual novel. It balances an adult point of view not only with its reflection on politics but juggling human relationships, and finances. It’s art was beautiful and so immersive. It’s aesthetic felt lonely and solid, and purposefully dark in some parts. Although the game has a few glitches, and the lack of dialogue options in certain situations is slightly annoying, I could not recommend this game enough to someone either looking for a story driven game or just a good time waster. This game clearly highlights the joy of game development and the meaningful products that come from creativity. The characters were lovable and I felt myself so engaged by their stories like I was really listening to them and living through them. In the end, when I had finished my first play through I had felt genuinely sad. Like I’d miss a close friend, The whole thing was so wonderful. Cannot recommend enough!!

What I seriously needed right now
Thu Dec 30 2021 Saltii Seas

Ok ok, I don’t usually write reviews(I’ve actually never written a “real” review on an app) but this game is…something else. The art, characters, gameplay, everything is phenomenal. I wish this game never ended because honestly, it’s great. As a lesbian, I applaud the game for including a character going by they/them as well as hinting the main character was most likely bisexual. Not a ton of games are willing to take that risk, and I appreciate the representation. The characters are amazing and relatable, actually the whole game is relatable(other than the fact it’s a cyberpunk game and obviously set in a future setting) and super intriguing, I couldn’t stop playing! I feel like I could actually step inside Lina’s shoes and feel what she was feeling…or maybe it was just me reliving parts of my life I’ve been through???? My only complaint is that it’s a bit short. I finished it in about a day and a half and I wanted more. My only option is to replay the game(which is totally fine!) and see if I can change the story a bit. I also found a glitch where if I chose a response, it would say something that wasn’t an option. I don’t know if that was on purpose or what but like eh. This game is super underrated but I suggest playing it. It might not change your life but it will definitely help you feel a little bit more connected to yourself 💕 Thank you to the developers, love this so much. Amazing af❤️

The ending seemed abrupt
Mon Oct 14 2019 Peeta34

Spoiler warning. I was REALLY enjoying Neo Cab after Savy disappeared. In fact, she was the only character I couldn’t stand so I was happy to see her go. I enjoyed building a connection with each person I drove around and with the sweet lady that charged $18 to stay in “her corner of los ojos”. Randomly, I believe after 3 nights she just disappeared with our a trace. Why? This was the trend with so many characters after I realized the game was coming to an end. I don’t know if this is a “different outcome” type of game, but I was particularly disappointed with the cookie guy’s character development. I understood it was meant to be a shock he scammed me, but it didn’t feel right and I would have much rather have liked to see him develop and attempt to build a cookie shop. Over all, as the characters seemed to just begin developing and allow you to see how they would end, the story ends. What happened when the picture guy shared the capra pictures? What happened to the walrus? I’ll never know

this is the best game i’ve ever played.
Wed Dec 02 2020 girlwithLion

ever. i think because it touched some very significant things that happened to me in my first, i was just engaged in the story. i love to read and i especially loved choose-your-own-adventure books back in the day. so it felt like a modernized version of a CYOA book and i was really loving it. then i got sucked into the concept of trying to get my rating to be a full five stars. but then...then it got to the near-end (i don’t want to spoil anything)...and it was suddenly familiar. so familiar. and i “got it.” on a few different levels. that was neat. and then the ending i chose was SO. SATISFYING. it was perfect. and, somehow, this game brought some closure and some anchoring in regard to some things i’ve gone through. and that was really neat and healing. so. i don’t know how many people would experience this game to the level that i did, but i highly recommend it. it’s the best game i’ve ever played because it touched me. and i hope it touches others, too.

Amazing potential, horrible gameplay
Sat Feb 12 2022 WillServeMaster

I started this game loving it. I still really like it, which is why it got one extra star. But the story progression mechanics are awful. It had such potential, but fell so short. I like unlocking new options with mood, but hate that it blocks others. The whole game is about progressing the story different ways via manipulating your mood with conversation choices, but you can’t. Once you get into a certain moodlet, it locks you in. It destroys everything that you work for. I misclicked once and it got me switched from red into blue, and I couldn’t get out. I couldn’t progress the argument, and the whole game ended with me completely forgiving Savvy for everything, the opposite of what I wanted. The characters were so great to, and I hated that there was nothing I could do to interact in the way they were, or I hope, supposed to be interacted with. Beautiful character and depth, amazing story, disappointing results. Very well crafted for the most part, definitely not gonna let this game put me off of others from the team, but it was disappointing.

One of if not THE BEST Apple Arcade Games
Mon Mar 15 2021 WilliamKuhl

I’ve never done a written review for an app but this game was just so good I had to spread the word about it. First off if you’re getting this app because you wanna get a high action game then this is not the game for you, this game is mainly featured on the story and how you can make choices that can have an impact on the ultimate conclusion/ending of the game. It took me about 2-4 hours (I wasn’t keeping track). And also features a great amount of design in the characters. Along with the characters being really well designed they also all participate in the overarching story that lets you become attached to the characters themselves. Overall this game gets a 9/10 the only reason it’s not a 10/10 is because there’s not a sequel or season two. I could go on about the story but it’s 11:00 and I am to tired but if you’re looking for a good story game then this game is perfect and I would highly recommend it to you!

A Fantastic Exploration of Relationships and the Gig Economy
Thu Jul 23 2020 J.A. Penrose

Neo Cab has one of the best stories I have played in a game in a very long time. While largely a visual novel, the game provides you numerous choices that dramatically effect how your game plays out, offering different endings and different messages to take away. The cyberpunk aesthetic helps drive home the beautifully delivered analysis of life as a gig worker in an economy and society that makes it increasingly more difficult to survive. The characters are incredibly well fleshed out and provide moments that range from heartbreaking to down right humorous. This is one of those games that will leave you thinking about it long after a play-through, and it’s varied options will keep you coming back to see what could have been different. An absolute masterpiece of storytelling, and a game I would repeatedly recommend to all types of gamers.

This game has me all twisted up!
Wed Jan 08 2020 Max Miiller

Brilliant game!! 2nd review now that I’ve beaten it. Have some thoughts about the ending.. SPOILERS AHEAD: Wow.. so I just beat the game and the ending was a real gut punch. I had wanted things to turn out differently, yet at a certain point I felt backed into a corner and seemingly was no longer in control- in too deep to back out. Then I thought, “let me try again, maybe it can turn out differently next time-“ and that’s when it hit me: what I felt toward the game is exactly what Lina felt about Savy! I can try again, but it WON’T be different. No matter how many chances I give it. Because it’s not me that’s the “problem”- it’s the game. It’s Savy. And maybe that’s the point. I honestly feel like I’ve just learned something about myself from this revelation. My feelgrid is going crazy right now. Even if there are multiple endings, and one that is more of a “good” ending in the traditional sense, I’m not sure any other ending could be as impactful on me as the one I just experienced. It really left an impact, and that’s no easy feat from any game, film, song, etc. Neo Cab is a work of art. I’m going to let this ending marinate for a while. Maybe some day I’ll dive back in just to see what else is out there, and check in on some of my favorite pax. Can’t wait for whatever this studio puts out next! Thank you!


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  1. Neo Cab. Play as Lina, the last human driver-for hire searching for her missing friend in the neon streets of Los Ojos. In this interactive story, you'll meet unique passengers during your nightly shifts, each with their own clues and secrets, if you can ...

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