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The guardian owls







Journey through a magical land teeming with mysteries to unravel. Baldo: the Guardian Owls is full of challenging puzzles to solve and intricate dungeons to explore. Traverse this captivating open world as Baldo, and meet a host of quirky and unforgettable characters, as you struggle to decipher the cryptic prophecy, and thwart destiny. From delightful whimsy to thrilling adventure, discover new towns and their distinctive inhabitants, fight ferocious foes, locate hidden temples, and collect objects both magical and mundane to obtain powerful new weapons, or to help unveil the myriad secrets of this strange land.


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5

Ratings & Reviews

Yay - New Adventure / Boo - Can’t finish it - BUG!
Sat Apr 02 2022 CourtyJ

I really enjoyed this game and can truly see the extensive amount of work out it into it, so thank you developers for that. I don’t like to complain… so I didn’t when I played through the entire Guardian Of Owls. When I saw an update with a new adventure, I thought: it was enjoyable BUT also maddening to play with the glitches but I’m sure they’ve got it handled by now. But still, no. I can’t complete the Three Fairies because as soon as I have all 3 of what’s needed and go to the enter the enchanted forest , the game shuts down. I’ve done everything on my end I can to be sure it wasn’t me or my phone. I even deleted my save and played the whole thing again all to get to the same. exact. issue. I can’t finish it because a huge giant bug that makes the new adventure legitimately unplayable is there. Releasing a game that has that huge of a bug… is a bit much for me. Don’t play Three Fairies until they fix it folks, or maybe, not at all.

Sat Oct 16 2021 Str141

This game had me so into it. Then all of a sudden it crashed and won’t open. There where lots of bugs, all which I was able to ignore or work around. Sometimes the character would get stuck in the ground or pinned between things he couldn’t move out of. Some of the challenges took a LOT Of time and others where extremely simple. All that I could overlook but now when I’m like 75% finished….it crashes. That’s super disappointing. I have a new iPad Pro, completely updated and has lots of room. I kept reading people saying they where having issues but I thought it had been fixed. It hasn’t. UPDATE: soooooooo many more bugs appearing. I tried starting fresh but there are so many times I fall through the ground and can’t walk up stairs. Anytime I’m in a boss fight like the spider boss, I go to light the lantern but instead it pulls open the entire menu. It makes it impossible to light the torches. The battle is just so packed full of crappy programming it’s impossible. I REALLY want to play this game. It’s amazing…when it works. Gossip says that it won’t be fixed because it’s on Apple Arcade and they have no desire to fix a game where they have fully been paid and expect no more income from. Makes me not want to play apple arcade at all. This isn’t the first game that was pushed before being finished. I wonder if they even tested it before pushing it. They have to know all of the complaints.

A hidden gem
Tue Oct 05 2021 Mr.b680

This game is an absolute joy to play and you can clearly feel the passion the developers put in each and every corner of the world they created. It has some quirks and definitely doesn't hold your hand (some of the puzzles are TOUGH), but it's never unfair and the solution comes to you if you think and experiment enough. It has plenty of content, with a main quest that can last up to 50 hours and a lot of side content in the form of mini dungeons with puzzle challenges and side quests. But the real star of this game are the main dungeons, which are all huge and very clever, with puzzles that interact with each other and really make you think in order to progress. I definitely recommend this to any player that likes old school Zelda or puzzle/adventure games in general. And again, I can't stress enough how good this game looks in motion, it's ridiculous. It has a style that's inspired by studio Ghibli and it shows, all the environments are really detailed (the house interiors are incredible, with little details that add a bit of environmental storytelling and help flesh out the NPCs) and the characters are quirky and unique.

I want to try it but it crashes on latest Apple TV 4K
Sat Aug 28 2021 ninside

Game looks exiting and the type of games I constantly waiting to appear on Arcade. There are a few issues that prevent me from enjoying it though :( Not sure if this is the best medium to leave feedback. Tried this game on iPhone and it was rendering some missing icons as black squares. There is also constant blinking of things. During any dialog the X button would keep flashing for not sure what reason. And then every time there is something new like a quest if will blink the number in the menu. If that is on purpose - could you please provide an option to disable that? It is very distracting from reading. Some of the text is also not large enough to read on TV. Like story portions, quests, etc. Dialogs are fine. There is graphical options. When I select high on iPad m1 pro I see sharper grass. But then a few minutes later I go back to options and it is low. It is also low by default even on the most powerful iOS device which is weird. Same happens with latest Apple TV 4K. Assets for buttons promote on iPhone are broken. Map overlays with weird layout.

Controls are horrible; glitchy game; intentionally impossible
Tue Sep 28 2021 Wizard of Frobozz

This game had potential but why the developers would spend so much time and effort on a game just to make it into a miserable playing experience is baffling. From the mundane (world is way too unnecessarily large with tons of dead space that you plod through agonizingly slow), through the frustrating (controls are wonky at best, unusable at worst), and into the maddening (especially noticeable in the end boss fights where you can get destroyed while waiting for a non-skippable, and useless, cutscene and hit many times in succession including knockbacks where you have zero input control [meaning the controls aren’t even available to you]) - and throw in all the bugs and I don’t know how this game ever made it past QA. Maybe it’s better on other platforms, but without major overhaul this game is an exercise in self torture. Sure you can progress but expect to die thousands of times in mesmerizingly stupid fashion. I stuck it out up until the final boss fight but wish I hadn’t. I hope they fix all of the ridiculous issues but until then, you’re better off passing on this game.

Locked out of Progressing
Wed Sep 22 2021 Master_Sheff

In the Galleon shipwreck I was locked out from raising the chest with the sword. I had destroyed all the tentacles protecting it the crank, but the final “guardian” tentacle did not release. I am at a point where there is nothing left to do but quit. It’s a shame that a game with so much promise missed the mark in so many ways. Reading others feedback confirms that since the dev is getting that Apple Arcade commission they couldn’t care less about the actual gameplay. Nobody left to hold them accountable to a quality and well polished product. Apple sure as heck won’t do it. Edit: the issue I previously posted was fixed but now I have a huge problem with app crashes when I perform certain actions in the game— most notably, digging. The game immediately force closes. Also, I’m currently locked out of the game because it crashed during a fast travel. Now, it crashes when I try to open a saved progress game. **sigh** This game has so much promise… if only there were more attention to detail and debugging prior to releasing the the general public.

Great art! Lots of major bugs
Sat Aug 28 2021 Polevata314

I got softlocked out of the first dungeon…🥲 The game feels and looks nice, but the execution is quite lacking. First, you need feedback when you’re doing something right: turnip quest. Second, teach the player better with context clues. Don’t make hitting a bell that blends into the background mandatory and not provide any indication of it prior to that point. Also obviously, think through non-standard player interactions more: Eg) I dropped down onto rock for first dungeon, but then you can push the rock out of the way, making subsequent entry impossible. Your options are: don’t let the player leave if rock cushion isn’t present, only let the player leave if they've completed the dungeon, or, easiest of all, don’t let the curious player yank the rug out from under themselves without recourse besides restarting the game. You just need more playtesters, and the designers need to think harder about how the game CAN be played and not how it’s MEANT to be played

Could be great…
Tue Aug 31 2021 Dwarren4

The game is incredibly buggy… falling through solid floors, walking through stairs and hills… characters and other animated movement showing up as solid colors… but generally a reboot would suffice. Now I am stuck in a part of a dungeon that requires the use of doors to progress… well… the game doesn’t register that the door has been lowered and you roll into an invisible barrier. At this point, the game is simply unplayable… and that is devastating. This game has so much to offer as both a nod to the classics as well as being fresh enough for all gamers to enjoy. The score is varied and fantastic, the animations (when they work) are wonderful, and the puzzle design and combat make you think before button mashing… not to mention an intriguing story and love a bl character design. Unfortunately, not many people will be able to enjoy this on this platform since the game is unable to function at a core level. Hopefully my save lasts and I can revisit this one in a few months… really want to see this one through.

Amateur Developers Who Don’t Care
Tue Sep 07 2021 Badapp1570764211

Complete Amateur developers who either don’t have enough knowledge on how to read the reviews or don’t care enough to do anything about it.. You will die about 2.5 billion times/hour because they can’t figure out something basic like controls (for example, the game doesn’t respond to running/rolling which you have to do to survive boss battles; if the game doesn’t allow you to do what you want, you’re dead). The amount of time they spent on the game is worthless when the value of play is so low. Glad this game was free with Arcade…my wife woulda divorced me if I spent money on it! Additionally, if you get hit once you get stuck while the enemy finishes you off. The enemies should finish this game off and put it out of its misery. Listen to the other reviews and don’t waste your time. The developers are amateurs that do not care about fixing their glitches…they’re just a bunch of glitches themselves. All the 5 star reviews are done by the developers to try and raise their atrociously horrible game play and reviews. DO NOT LOSTEN TO THE FAKE 5 STAR REVIEWS!!!

Terrible game
Sun Aug 29 2021 Arioc

Don’t waste your time. Broken scripts blocking progress, brutal puzzle without explanation. Enemies that kill you in 1 hit all over the map, broken screen FX, settings they keep reverting to low quality even on the latest IPad 12.9”. Quests sending you to far off vague locations with vital information the NPC mentioned not included in the quest log. Items deleting themselves from inventory, character getting stuck on geometry in the game world forcing the game to have to be closed. Broken script events blocking progress because they don’t fire off correctly, but no indicator where to go next so you end up running around aimlessly for hours trying to figure out what the game wants to you to do next and where to go since the quest log shows you on the map WHO gave you the quest but not where they want you to go. Almost every enemy has a method to 1 shot you forcing the game to reload from your last zone in point. It looks like Zelda but plays like a broken dark souls clone with difficulty from bad design rather than intended challenge.


"Baldo" on Apple Arcade is an enchanting and visually stunning action-adventure game that whisks players away to a whimsical and magical world. This game invites players to step into the shoes of the titular hero, Baldo, as he embarks on a grand quest filled with mystery, puzzles, and epic battles. With its captivating hand-drawn art style and rich, immersive storytelling, "Baldo" transports players to a meticulously crafted universe brimming with charm and wonder. As you explore this vibrant world, you'll encounter a diverse cast of characters, uncover hidden secrets, and solve intricate puzzles, all while immersing yourself in the game's lush and evocative soundtrack. "Baldo" is a testament to the power of storytelling and artistry in gaming, offering an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and adventure.

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