LEGO® Star Wars™ Battles

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RTS multiplayer PVP games!







Lead your favorite LEGO® Star Wars™ characters into real-time, multiplayer PvP battles in arenas inspired by iconic locations from throughout the galaxy! What happens when an Ewok takes on a Tusken Raider? Can a flock of porgs tackle a stormtrooper in a standoff? Could Chewbacca go toe-to-toe with Boba Fett? Who would win in a showdown between Yoda and Darth Vader? Collect and upgrade LEGO Star Wars characters, troops, and vehicles and craft formidable light and dark side armies. Build LEGO towers on the battlefield and develop a strategy to attack, defend, and capture territory as you push towards the enemy base to claim victory! Download this exciting LEGO game that brings together every era of Star Wars™ storytelling in a tower defense style. LEGO STAR WARS BATTLES FEATURES MASTER BOTH SIDES OF THE FORCE Learn and master the battle techniques of both sides of the Force by discovering unique combinations of units and building your strategy with characters from the entire Star Wars™ universe. TOWER DEFENSE - BRICKS FOR THE WIN! Build LEGO towers on the battlefield to defend your base or advance on the battlefield and capture your opponents' territory! Discover the different tower types and their advantages – build a Droid Factory for an instant, on-site army, shoot down airborne enemies with a Turbolaser, or bring the heat with a Flame Tower! COLLECT AND UPGRADE Discover over 40 units from all eras of the Star Wars universe including vehicles such as AT-ATs, AT-RTs, Y-wings, TIE fighters and characters from Star Wars™: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars™: A New Hope, Star Wars™: The Clone Wars™, and more. Increase your power and level up your troops to take out your enemies. UNLEASH UNIQUE ABILITIES Use Darth Vader's Force Slam to stop enemies in their tracks, toss them aside with Luke Skywalker's Force Push, and discover the other game changing abilities of Yoda, Boba Fett, and more. Support them with the right troops and towers to create an unstoppable army that will leave your enemies in pieces! EXPLORE THE GALAXY Battle through the eras and choose an arena inspired by iconic Star Wars locations including Naboo, Hoth, and Geonosis. Discover new units along the way to expand your options in battle. Download LEGO Star Wars Battles today! A network connection is not required in order to start playing LEGO® Star Wars™ Battles but will be required to play against other players SUPPORT Are you having problems? We can help! Please visit for Help and Support. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO GROUP. © 2021 The LEGO GROUP. All Rights Reserved. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO GROUP. ©2021 TT Games. © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Terms of Use


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4

Ratings & Reviews

Another Apple Arcade Winner.
Tue Oct 12 2021 pr071x

I haven’t played “Clash Royale,” but others are saying it’s a clone of that game. What I really enjoy is being able to play and progress without real-world money (apart from the arcade subscription). To me, that levels the playing field, preventing frustrating pay-to-win scenarios, and ensuring anyone can pick up the game and make progress without being hindered by $$. In that regard alone, this game is a winner. It’s highly addictive, competitive, and requires effective strategizing to advance into higher echelons. In short, you’re rewarded for your time spent playing, not by how much money you’ve spent. I’m really a fan of the Apple Arcade model, and hope it rewards developers enough to incentivize quality game development and updates. This game is fun. You win some, you lose some. Your strategy triumphs, or it fails, but as long as you keep playing you can upgrade your deck and modify your strategies. It’s fast paced, competitive RTS battles in two minute segments. The short time keeps it casual enough for anyone to play when you’ve got a few moments, while addicting enough to hold your attention for much longer periods of time. Overall, I think it’s a clear winner for Apple Arcade- kudos.

Game is good but match making can be irritating
Tue Oct 18 2022 Arebitrue87

If you’ve come from clash Royale this game is fun. Has many similar functionalities without the paywall. My only complaint about the game is the match making. You’d think the game would make you based on level but many times I’m finding myself matching with people 2-3 levels higher than me with card levels that are also 2-3 levels higher. I normally don’t even try anymore against people that higher level (I’ll put up a fight if it’s 1 level higher) than me cause all I’m doing is delaying the inevitable loss, no strategy on earth can stop them when you’re burning through your points to just stop the March towards your fighter and takes multiple cards to take out one of theirs. And it’s not occasional either, it can be multiple matches like this before they finally put you against someone who is equal level/card level to you. I’ve been dropped an entire world just trying to play when I was close to going to the next world, broken up into multiple playing sessions.. I’d rather sit and wait for a match then constantly be placed against higher level people for an inevitable loss. Basically if you’re half way decent at the game they delay you from going up a world by placing you against people who are over powered in association to you.

SW Battle Arena Clone, and it’s ok
Tue Nov 01 2022 JonnyH57

I am back to edit my review down a star or two after actually playing way too much for a few weeks now… So If you ever played Star Wars Battle Arena (back before NetMarble went kaput), this game is (edit: almost) literally a clone of that game, except you don’t have to hold your phone sideways and the characters are Lego’s, but otherwise it scratches the itch the BA left, and I’m thankful for that. However it does feel a bit lazy in that there’s not quite as many unique features and different attributes for the characters and Heroes as there were in the old game. For example: Each hero used to have a companion card that could only be used along with that hero, or that would at least be enhanced by using it alongside its corresponding Hero. You also used to be able to earn more card slots in your arsenal during game play, allowing you a few more options. Finally, just a general re-balancing of the heroes abilities and skills would be beneficial, instead of The Mandalorian being an indestructible super sniper, while there are other heroes you’d love to use but just can’t, unless your goal is to lose consistently. Anyway, I do enjoy the game and if I’d never played its predecessor, I probably wouldn’t have as much to say… but alas I have and thus I do and did. But I’d still recommend…

Camera will lose you games
Sun Oct 17 2021 Maroch0

Honestly, this game is more or less pretty great if you’re in to games like clash Royale. My only problem is that sometimes when you’re on the opponent’s side of the field, your camera will pan up and what’ll happen is that sometimes you’ll lose all your troops and want to start resetting in the back/building towers, and sometimes you’ll accidentally do the opposite of whichever you wanted to do. And it would be completely fine if your camera didn’t move automatically, but when you try to pan back down, it forces you up until everyone dies. And so when you try to build a tower, it’s like right next to a troop card, so you’ll accidentally play a troop, which has gotten me a few losses because after a certain point, you can’t build anymore and I wanted a tower but, well you know. And the opposite has happened too, where I want to put a troop down, so I try to pan the camera down, but in doing so, I accidentally build a tower since the bottom towers are right where you need to swipe to pan down. One way this can be fixed is by making towers like a toggle option where you have to tap the tower before you choose, you can’t just hold and drag on accident, OR let the camera be free/not move at all instead of automatically forcing it somewhere.

It’s a Gem, and people are dumb
Sun Oct 24 2021 >.<! AMEN!!

I’ve played about 1-2 hours everyday for a month now. These 3-4 star reviews crying about players having an advantage on their Levels. First of all, they didn’t pay for those levels. They earned them through playing extensively. Of course people still find something to whine about, in a F2P game. And second of all, you can still beat them. I’ve went up against a Lv.9 as a Lv.7 and still won because my strategy is better. To me, these people complaining about not having the advantage, probably went on a loosing streak because they don’t understand how their troops work or just have bad decks, and came here to complain. This is my absolute favorite game. I’ve played Clash Royale for years and THAT is a pay to win game. But this is refreshing. I haven’t spent a dime, and enjoyed it more than other games I’ve spent hundreds on.. I almost wish I COULD spend some money to support the developers (Strictly on cosmetics though!!!). I deleted Clash Royale for this gem. And I’d do it again! I can’t wait to see what future updates this game brings.

Not Really an RTS…
Sat Oct 09 2021 DadDudeTrent

I’ve played it quite extensively over the last few days, really comes down to who has the higher level base ship. I’ve encountered players of the same level with higher level troops, that mechanic is just for the grind but is odd as an RTS. At least tournaments balance troop and ship levels. Could still pull out a “card” you’ve never even seen and wipe you out that way, but at least it’s more balanced. Game play is your classic wait for resources, deploy troops one at a time. I get it’s a game but I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how porgs can take down an AT-AT and Boba’s seismic charge is really an EMP that disables even organic characters, but I digress. It has potential, it’s not bad to play a few rounds…but will I unlock the last arena? Probably not due to not really seeing the reward. Also, there are “tournaments” which seem to have decent rewards. Other reviews have mentioned something that feels very much like a bot. Troops being spawned crazy fast, despite the “balancing” done (card and ship levels are the same) your troops will not kill theirs even if you’re playing the right cards to do so. Best part is that you’ll probably win the first match of the tournament (feels like you’re matched with somebody that’s AFK most times), then really have to work hard to move any further.

Poor matchmaking, and few useful/popular units
Tue Jan 03 2023 Lagamorphwarper

I really wanted to give this game a chance, so I’ve been playing it almost daily for the last three months or so. I gave myself plenty of a chance to level up my characters, both regular units and champions. Doing so locals up your bass ship, which is the thing you’re trying to protect the most. The consistent problem I had was being matched with people who are in much higher leagues than me, usually with much higher competitive scores. My heroes are almost all level eight and level nine, and I would be fighting against people with champions who are level 11 or level 12. The other gripe I have with this game is the uneven levels of usefulness when it comes to various units and champions. Pretty much everybody’s using the same units, because there’s only a handful of good ones per team. Same goes for champions, you really only see the same two or three, and use for either side, and it gets very boring very quickly. I was hoping as I got the higher levels and unlocked my worlds, but I would see more, but that really happened. Everyone uses Din Djarin for the light side, and mostly Boba Fett or General Grievous for dark. At this point, I’ve sunk enough hours in the game that I feel like I didn’t judge it too soon. It’s not a new game anymore, so I have a feeling the imbalances are here to stay.

Great game, a couple flaws
Thu Sep 15 2022 mooooonke

I’ve been playing for a little over a month now and I really enjoy the game. It’s similar to clash Royale, but has completely removed the pay to win aspect that we all hate so much. My biggest critique is that the scan system (loot crates) can become biased in the type of cards you get. The game is structured so that you either play light side or dark side (chosen randomly each match) and each side has its own cards to build a deck from. You get new cards by unlocking new planets and completing scans. However, the only way to get a scan is by winning a match. Depending on which side you played that match, (light or dark) that is the scan type you get. I find that it creates a positive feedback loop, in my case for the light side, where I get better light side cards, win more light side games thus get more light side scans and so forth. Maybe it was designed that way, but my dark side deck is significantly weaker and it makes it difficult to get new dark side cards. I am only missing one legendary light side card (from what I have unlocked) compared to many more dark side cards, even common ones. Other than that I love this game and highly recommend it.

Wasted Opportunity
Sat Sep 17 2022 Dewey44

A Clash Royale style game in a Lego Star Wars world with Telltale Games, Disney, and Apple all tied to it…. This should have been the flagship game in Apple Arcade. How could you mess this up?… For starters, they paid no attention to all the well publicized growing pains experienced by Supercell and have repeated most of their mistakes. I won’t bother listing them all. Easy enough to find online. The unforgivable part is they don’t seem to care. The reward economy is completely broken. The matchmaking is comically bad. This lead to a group of players to purposely lose their matches (costs them nothing but time) which then gets them matched up against weaker opponents (the biggest rewards in the games are received for completely destroying your opponent). Nothing has been done to fix this allowing the problem to snowball. My last 5 matches: 2 wins versus an opponent who didn’t play a card so he could drop, 3 losses to an opponent with a deck of almost exclusively level 13 cards (maxed) where I’m completely destroyed within the first minute. To the corporate giants behind this game; why it took me this many months of playing to realize you aren’t going to fix it and you just don’t care that it’s broken is beyond me. I take the time to type this in hopes I save someone else’s time. May they invest theirs wiser than I did……

Tue May 24 2022 furtheralwaysseemsforever

At first the game was fun, but they have rigged the algorithm to work against you. They say they match you according to your trophies, but some players have cards 12 or 13 in strength. It is unfair and makes gameplay boring. You go from 5725 total trophies to 5012 in one fell swoop. They also have bits that let you win if you lose too many times. Some of these bots are actual employees of the game to ensure you keep playing. When you try to win missions to get the perks every month, they have it rigged. For example, let’s say it says play one light side battle, if you play, they will give you a majority if dark side battles to keep you playing. Rarely will you ever beat a player whose towers are stronger than yours. The game hinges on tower strength the most. Also, when new cards are released, you’ll end up battling a player who has their new cards already at 10 or 11. It is mathematically impossible for them to level their cards up that fast. This is the only Apple Arcade game I have. It just might be work giving up Apple Arcade since the gameplay here isn’t worth my time. Also, they do not check user names. My kid plays this game and it’s terrible to see that. I’ve reported It so many times and nothing seems to be done about it. Disappointed gamer.


link to Page

  1. Lego Star War Battle just released, here is the first deck I found is crazy good against Beginner.

  2. This deck can easily to get 5 stars. There are so many options you can do with the deck. Troops overflow, Princess Super rush, Tauntaun quick push.

  3. This deck is all about 5 stars. Go to the other side and generate an ultimate push and see who can get the main tower first.

  4. More videos on the Dark Side Ultimate Push Deck. We replaced the factory with missile launcher for fighting on the middle tower, but the function is the same - Trying to get 5 stars, and here it is.

  5. This Light side Rush deck is all about rushing to the base ship and get 5 stars. Defence means nothing to the deck.

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