We added lots of new things including:
- You can chop down trees now, if you have an axe!
- Logs can be sold or processed at the sawmill!
- New holiday prizes!
Thanks for playing! More updates will be coming soon!
New update is here, and here is the video to show you how to get the secret Cache box #39 at the Hospital
New update is here, and here is the video to show you how to get the Paramedic Uniform, Ambulance, and more detail on the Paramedic Job.
New update is here, and here is the video to show you all level of the Doctor Job, and what is the Perk for each level.
New update is here, and here is the video to show you how to become a Doctor
New update is here, and you can be a doctor and drive Ambulance. So cool, let's see what is new in the game.!!!
I cannot go to the testing room anymore after the new update.
The video shows you the walkthrough of the new update, which has the new 3 characters and show you what are those.
The new update finally here.. You can be a mayor. Let's see what is in this new update.
There are 2 new areas in the new update, but I cannot able to access yet. So I have to use the glitch way.
The new 1.8.4 released. No more happy stealing, but there is one glitch that is still work. however, it will trigger the locked down. It is the over the fence glitch, but use at the gate.
The new 1.8.4 released. They fixed all the old way of stealing. Here is the new way to steal coin without locked down.
1.8.4 update is released. They have fixed all the coins Glitch. So no more Entry gate Glitch, Job over the fence glitch. Seems today is a sad day.
1.8.4 update is released. It is not that cool. They fixed all the stealing coins glitch. Seems that they saw my videos. Anyway, this update did a good thing, it fixed the Driving Truck in Golf Photo.
The new 1.8.2 update is finally here. We have Computer, Cell phone, TV and you can do Spaghetti business. Let's check out what is news.
Another change for the patch 1.8.1. The pump house in the game is gone, and now it is just an entry of the sewer.
This is one good thing about the patch 1.8.1. We have the Orange Cargo Buffed... From 1 Orange to 35 Orange.
Another fix for the patch 1.8.1. The dynamite stealing is gone. You cannot steal dynamites. So that you can only get dynamite from mushroom hunter.
The sign probably occurred after 1.8 update, and this video will show you where is it.
Another fix for the patch 1.8.1. It is a good one. It is the fix of the parking master last stage. The last stage finally working normally.
Another change for the patch 1.8.1. The Fuse Trick to take out the guard at the restricted area is not working after locked down. So that, you cannot able to steal cargo at night after locked down anymore. I think the developers really don't want you to steal at all after the locked down.
Another big fix for the patch 1.8.1. It took out the dog rolling break in glitch, so that you cannot use your dog to open the door anymore. No... I want to steal things in the supermarket at night.
Another change for the patch 1.8.1. You have to enter the code each time
Another bad change for the patch 1.8.1. They nerfed the Corp Coins Amount, it is no more $5000 per box. Let's see what I will get.
The new update also fixed the Digging hole #108 issue.
You cannot steal Cargo anymore. the patch 1.8.1 has fixed the stealing glitch, you cannot steal cargo without penalty. Here is what it fixed.
Dinsun Video. The new Captain update finally here. You can drive Ferry, mushroom hunt and more... More video will come.
This video shows all 10 Dirt Events. After the 10 Events, you can get the Dirt helmet.
The Dirt Bike Update finally here. There are so many new things. We have 6 new Vehicles that you can own. Yes, 6, wow. There are the new delivery job, 2 new secret boxes, 3 digging holes, and 10 dirt bike events... cool.. :)
I got all the Christmas Rewards. Let's see what my home look like with all the Christmas decorations. Also, let's see what costumes did I got from the Christmas events. I have made the Reindeer outfit and Santa outfit, which one do you like the most?
The new Christmas Update is here. Let's see what news to the game. First thing is that Jack is back and in Christmas Costume. There are snowball fights that you can earn Candy Cane. Also you can help to build a snowman. After that, you can trade the candy cane to Jack for exchanging event items.
New Update has just came out. We have new Museum. There are 4 level of your dogs. #63, #64 digging holes. #22 Treasure Chest | Secret Cache. I love this game. More video will come.
New Update arrived. There is a lost dog and you have to get trust from him. At the end, you will get the dog. There is also some new features, such as multiple custom outfits and Duck Valet service.
Patch 1.4.5 still is a patch for the Halloween Update. It is a small but critical fix. It fix the Pro fishing rod issue, so now, players can get their fishing rod. No Pet Update yet.
New Patch just came out. Don't be excited. It is just a little Patch.
Halloween Update just released.
New Update just came out, let's see what is the news. The new update 1.4.2 has fix some of the bugs, and have new boat, Secret Cache #1 - Beach Ball, and water ski. This video will show you how to open the secret Cache #21. The new boat is still unknown, there is also don't know how to open the uncle duck box. More video will come.
This video show the new Island Update Part 2 with the following :
The new Update just came out. There are a lot of cool stuffs, like Ocean Salt fish fishing, Surfing challenges, Boats, new Vehicles, and may be a lot of secret... Let's check it out
This video shows you new July 2020 Update and the Taxi Driver. For this update, there are so many changes, such as you can be Taxi Driver, and you can customize you clothes. There are more unknown, so more to be come.
New Update has arrived. Here are the updates
New Town Update is arrived. This is the first look. New Main quest is available for Sasquatch and he has to go to work.. Also, a lot of new adventure is waiting for Sasquatch.. THIS IS BIG!!!!!!! More videos will come, stay tune.
There are a lot of new stuffs for this update.
Sneaky Sasquatch has a new Update, in which you can upgrade your home, and buy furnitures. Here are the detail about the update.
Apple Arcade is just came out. There doesn't have a lot of games. Sneaky Sasquatch is one of them. Let have a first look of how the game look and how I feel with the game
New update is here, and here is the video to show the new traffic system, which you can get pretty bad injury.
New update is here, and here is the video to show how to get the new Clothes, the Hospital Gown.
New update is here, and here is the video to show where to get all 3 Hospital Cassettes.
New update is here, and here is the video to show you how to mutate people. Sasquatch is so bad.
New update is here, and you can call the police and the police will come to you in the new update. This makes the stealing of Police car so easy. You can just drive it away and they won't chase you. This video shows you I stole the police car at my own home.
New update is here, and here is the first glitch that found. So cool, Police in the Space
New update is here, and you can now dance with the police. So Cool
New update and patch is here, and you can customize your Ambulance with a lot of more cool stuffs. You also can be a Police Ambulance, However, actually no, because you will get error if you change your Ambulance to become Police Ambulance, the video shows you how.
New update and patch is here, and you can maximum the payout of a doctor using the following trick. the Trick is no matter what, do labs, x-ray and ECG scan. The hospital will pay you when you use those equipment, not by patient need or not.. It is a cool way to earn money easily.
New update and patch is here, and you can mod your Gurney. Yes, the Gurney, I think the patient will love it.
In the Hospital Update, Ranger got Richer and they have Jeep now. This video shows you the easy way to steal the Jeep from the Ranger.
In the Hospital Update, Calling 911 have a lot of different. Let's see what are the difference.
New update is here, and using the similar glitch on the Ambulance. It is quite cool
New update is here, and you can do some cool stuffs such as ski with gurney.
New update is here, and you can turn your friend into a zombie. Here is how to do it.
New update is here, and you can be a doctor. Then how can you become not a normal doctor, but extremely good doctor. This video shows you how to do it.
New update is here, you can party with Police. Here is how to do it.
New update is here, and you can be hit by cars. However, if you are using Binocular, you can avoid car from hitting you.
In the Hospital Update, there is a new friend, doctor duck, and here is how you can see the Doctor duck
New update is here, and you can easily hit by cars. Which make the Rabbit Race #12 more difficult, and here is how to do it.
New Hospital update is here, and there is a fire station. However, you cannot able to get into the fire station yet. In this video, I will show you a trick to get into the fire station. Let's see how I did it.
There is a new release 1.9.11 and there are 2new secret vehicles, ATV and snowmobile
In the Hospital update, you will see 3 new vehicles on the road, and you can ticket all of them. Here is how to do it.
What's the Car and Sneaky Sasquatch are crossing over. There is a Sneaky Sasquatch level in the What's the Car game. So cool, here are the full walkthrough of the Sneaky Sasquatch level in the What's the car game. Which also got all the collections, photos and gold races.
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