We added lots of new things including:
- You can chop down trees now, if you have an axe!
- Logs can be sold or processed at the sawmill!
- New holiday prizes!
Thanks for playing! More updates will be coming soon!
all active glitches and bugs videos
New update is here, and you can be fire fighter and bus driver. In the new update, there is a new way to earn money. It is easy and fast without any effort. So easy and so OP, let see how to do it.
The glitch is still on after version 1.9.11. it is the best money generate method so far. Using this glitch, you can easy get 3 stacks of coins per day without locked down. Meaning you can keep doing it. This is the best way to earn money in the game.
In the Hospital Update, you can do a special glitch, which create the Monkey D Luffy Rubber Rubber Pistol Special Move
New Hospital update is here, and there is a fire station. However, you cannot able to get into the fire station yet. In this video, I will show you a trick to get into the fire station. Let's see how I did it.
New update is here, and you can be hit by cars. However, if you are using Binocular, you can avoid car from hitting you.
New update is here, you can party with Police. Here is how to do it.
New update is here, and you can turn your friend into a zombie. Here is how to do it.
New update is here, and you can do some cool stuffs such as ski with gurney.
New update is here, and using the similar glitch on the Ambulance. It is quite cool
New update is here, and here is the first glitch that found. So cool, Police in the Space
In this video, I am going to show you how bad Sasquatch is.
There is a special ship at the port at night that you may not know. This video shows you where is it and how to reach it.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on stealing food in the super market or gas station. The video shows you how to use the glitch to get the dinosaur bones fast.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on stealing food in the super market or gas station. The video shows you how to use the glitch to have unlimited Mushroom.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on stealing food in the super market or gas station. The video shows you how to use the glitch to use have unlimited Secret caches
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on stealing food in the super market or gas station. The video shows you how to use the glitch to use different costume when locked up in the jail.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on stealing food in the super market or gas station. The video shows you how to do it.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on stealing food in the super market or gas station. The video shows you how to use this super glitch to catch unlimited fish.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on the a lot of places. The video teach you how the duplication glitch work in detail, and how to duplicate 1 to 8.
The duplication glitch that I found also can do on the private campsite island to duplicate the items at the cooler. The video shows you how to do it.
The glitch that I found not only can do the item duplication, it can also do port stealing. This is how to do it.
The glitch that I found not only can do the item duplication, it can also do port stealing. This is how to do it.
I really appreciate for all the likes and support, thank you very much. I needed that.
I really appreciate for all the likes and support, thank you very much. I needed that.
I found a crazy money glitch that pretty sure this will make the developers angry. So I would like to found out if all of you are interested to see the glitch. If I could get 300 likes then I will create the tutorial, so please share and give likes. However, this video will show you a hint. If you can figure out by yourself, then it is good for you.
The video shows you how to kidnap the island Ranger, and then you can do whatever you want when going back to the island.
The video shows you how to kidnap the island Ranger, and then you can do whatever you want in the Campsite.
The Testing Room is still accessible after 1.9.5. And it is being tested.
The video shows you how to kidnap the island Ranger, and then you can do whatever you want on the Marine Land.
The video shows you how to kidnap the island Ranger, and then you can do whatever you want on the island.
This videos shows how to open the safe at the testing room.
This videos shows you an unique way to steal lumbers from the Testing Room.
This videos shows you an unique way to steal - using the spaghetti delivery guy to steal. Very cool... This is the way.
This videos shows there is a bug that you can drop under the sewer bridge.
This videos shows what is the best way to steal Lumbers.
This videos shows you how to steal 4 stacks lumbers at once without locked down.
The Testing Room is still accessible after 1.9.4. And it is being tested.
There is a weird thing you can do in the friend update. you can have your friend to run on the water, and here is how to do it.
In the new update, you can walk outside of elevator, and here is how to do it.
There is a still a way to go to the testing room after 1.9.3, and here is how to do it. For sure this will be fixed soon, therefore, do it quick as you can.
There is a weird bug in the new update. After you left the job, your friend
After 1.9.3 update, there is a bug at the photo book. Barista's photo is keep changing, very weird.
If you are able to get into the Testing Room, you can able to get a lot of money quick. Here is how to do it.
Thank you Garlic for the information. In the new update, you can write ticket to the boat, and here is how to do it.
You can create floating car at the sea, and this video shows you how to do it.
The most difficult way to do port stealing is using your own lumber - the god port stealing way. We don't know is it still working after 1.9.2. So let's test it out.
There is a trick for making friends, which you can use fast Warp to warp friends and you to the mainland from island or ski resort easily. This is how to do it.
The Testing Room is mystery and doesn't have much information from the Internet, but I still found it. This video shows you what happen in the testing room after Chapter 4 update.
You can speed dial in the new update, and this new feature can be used to steal. This is how to do it.
There is a trick that you can change the task that your friend request. Some of the task is very difficult to achieve, this video shows you a trick that you can reset the task, so that you can do a more easy task.
There are four way to break in into the empty store. This video shows you the fourth method - Passenger Break in.
The video shows you a good easy way to steal without locked Down and Changing Clothes as a Junior Supervisor. Want to know how did I do it?
The Testing Room is mystery and doesn't have much information from the Internet, but I still found it. Oh well, it seems that the developers doesn't want to let people know this place, so I am not going to spoil too much. If you really want to found this place, try to think out of the box. I can find it, you can find it too. If you really want hint, ask Spence the Fence, he maybe the first one to find this, so don't want to take any credit from him.
Dinsun Video. Being a corrupted cop and put food to issue unsecured Hood trick is not always success. But there is a glitch that I can make it 100%. It is so easy, and can earn $150 very easily. This easiest earning money glitch is perfect to earn money fast, and please don't tell developers for this information, so they won't fix it.
You may accidentally do this glitch before, in which, you can exit the store without trigger the police to come. This video will show you how to do it purposely. The key is to go up and down and the door. First to make it you did go back to the store but didn't trigger the speech of you have steal the food. Second to make the person to say goodbye without calling the police. Sound impossible, but this can be done, and it is how to do it.
There are a lot of secret area in the map that you cannot able to access. Before this glitch, we can able to use Dinsun Break in method or Walk out of bound glitch to access some of the area. This time, I will show you a new glitch that you can be much easier to get out of bound, and I called it Out of the Bound Glitch. We have to use a car for this glitch, have fun doing out of the bound.
This is a Interesting Glitch, first, you can able to get the prisoner clothes, and then you will become invisible. This glitch is the perfect glitch to steal police car. Let's see how to do it?
Doggy Levelling up is a very time consuming process. This video will show you a glitch that you can have your dog keep increasing the heart after your dog is full. So that you can probably have a full heart within a day. This glitch may be not that fast, since you need to exit and get back to the game, and you only increase one for each time, but this probably a glitch that you want to know.
Thank you for 6 and London for the information. The video show you how to do the ski running glitch. To do this glitch, you would need to do crouch with ski on under the belt at the belt. Or you can do the crouch at the Garage. Both area can do this ski running glitch.
There is a glitch at the Slalom Race that you can actually go out to the map and ski. It will look like you are skiing in the space. I do believed that the developer will fix this glitch very soon.
Dinsun Video. I have shown this glitch before in the Dog Poop Information Video, but would like to show again for some new players. You may sometime wondering why the dog poop keep spawning. It is because of this glitch. Using this glitch, I can create unlimited Dog poop. SO STINKY!!!
By using this glitch, I can able to open the Rich Uncle Duck's House door. So, let's see what else this glitch can do... It actually can do tire track on water and drop off passengers at the deep sea. If you want to try out this glitch then you have to be fast. For sure that the developers will try to fix this glitch..
Thanks Saico-Quiler for the info. This video shows you how to do the crawling glitch. The crawling glitch is not easy to reproduce, you would need to hit the correct corner of the igloo, and somehow, it will keep crawling when turning away. This video will show you how do I do it. Hope that you can reproduce the glitch too.
This video show you the glitch of a magical fridge, which the fridge will provide you unlimited food. The fridge is at the police station, and want to know more information of this glitch?
Dinsun Video. Island Delivery are the most challenge for the delivery job. The reason is it is expensive and long. To do delivery to the island, you normally should take the ferry; however, the ferry cost $100. Therefore, it is kind of waste of time to do Island Delivery. There are some trick that you don't need to pay for the ferry. The third trick is using the No Ferry Fee Glitch.
The video show you a fun glitch that you can do in the game, which is to clone the rental agents. Here is how to do it.
Want to have a free ride on Ferry? There is a glitch to do that, and this video will show you how. The key is to drive a car and hit the gate on the side, so that I believed that the gate will think you are driving from the inside, therefore, it will open the gate for you to exit. Cool Glitch, how that they will not fix it :). If you want more glitches, please give like and subscribe, so that I will focus on showing glitch on Sasquatch.
There is a glitch that you can actually fish whole night in the sea without falling to sleep.. The trick is that Sasquatch would not fall asleep in the middle of the sea.. In which, this may be a good way to catch the rare fish - Sea Cucumber.
Today, I will show you how to do a Doggy Pose Glitch at the home location using the Dinsun Break-in Method. The trick is the have the outer car to block the inner car to exit, so that it will force Sasquatch to exit to the dog house. Target Sasquatch to exit at the dog house wall, so that the game will think that Sasquatch is at inside of the dog house, but actually was outside.
Like Tiny Mini Sasquatch Glitch, this glitch use the similar method, but using a static bush at the town instead. This is much harder than the moveable bush, and it won't shrink as small as the tiny Mini Glitch, but it is still a very cool glitch.
Thank you Tiny for the glitch from Reddit. This glitch is pretty cool, so that you can have the water ski guy to ski on the island. The video will show you how to do it.
Dinsun Video. The video shows a small glitch when you keep warping to the island. When you warp to the island, your car will come with you, but what if you keep changing cars and keep warping.
Dog Walking on the water support to be very easy to do. However, after the update, the developers fixed it that the dog will now be riding with you when you are driving your boat. So is the dog walking on water cannot be perform anymore? There are ways that we can still perform Dog Walking on Water Glitch. Method #1, using passenger. Method #2, use Ranger on Water glitch. Method #3, use Walk on Water glitch. Method #4, use Out of the bound glitch.
This video shows you a glitch that Sasquatch can celebrate the winning of the animal race with a friend. Let's see how can I do it.
The video show you a glitch that the Ranger can chase you on the deep water. The trick is to have a passenger on a boat when your clothes is off. After that, your passengers will be very scare when you are at the deep water, and ranger will start chasing you on the water. Yes, On the water. Ranger actually running on top of the water.
As I showed before, you can use car to reach out of the bound. What about for those areas that you cannot able to drive the car, such as the ski mountain hill. For those area, we can able to use this new doggy out of the bound glitch to reach the out of the bound. The trick is when playing the ball with your dog, have the dog to push you toward the exit, until you passed the exit point. Then you can able to walk out of the bound using controller. This is the way.
The video shows you the Clone Island Ranger Glitch. When you got caught by the Island Ranger, he/she will bring you to the Ferry. At that time, if you alert Ranger to catch you, a second ranger will come instead of the first one, and you can able to play around with the first Ranger. However, you would need to be naked, and scare the ferry attendant.
Dinsun Video. This video shows a silly trick that you can sleep together someone in a tent.
Dinsun Video. Oh no. They have fixed the Walk on Water Glitch. However, they have created another bug because of it. The Flashing Sasquatch.
Dinsun Video. There is a new way to get on the Ferry. Not from the land but from the sea. Let's see how to do it.
Dinsun Video. The video show you a glitch that you can do unlimited Animal race per Sasquatch day, so you can earn unlimited money per Sasquatch day.
Dinsun Video. Short Video of what I think there is a bicycle on the island. Just For a little fun.
this video shows you a magical trick to push a car through the wall using a car. Wallah Dinsun Video.
Dinsun Video. There is a very easy way to get a spinning Ranger, and this video will show you how.
There is a glitch in the new Captain update, which there is a ghost driver in the game, and you did pick them up on the Ferry.
For the new update, you can create a cool walking style. It is the lying down walking style.
In the new update, Sasquatch finally can swim in the fast current river. here is how to do it.
In the new update, you can able to drive your car at the river but you will get stuck on the river. To do that, you need to use out of the bound mode at the river area.
In the new update, you can play around with the Ranger on the river. For some area, the ranger will be sunk in the river, and could not able to catch you. Here is how to do it.
Thanks Spencer for the information. In the new update, you can do the duplicate ferry glitch. If you are lucky, you will see the error duck also.
Halloween is coming, it is the best time to celebrate the holiday with Mr. Pemberton. Thank you for the tips. In Halloween, you can easily get a lot of police using the Halloween trick in the center on the town. Then we can use the Police force break in to break into the Jail and celebrate this special holiday with him. So cool
There are so many crazy things you can do in Halloween. Such as you can dance with your twin brother - another Sasquatch. Here is how to do it.
Today, I am going to steal the passenger's car after I dropped it off at the Marine, and try to see what will happen. I ended up got kidnapped.
There is a glitch that you can have multiple campers join your campsite at once, here is the video of how to do it.
Ghost Campsite is a campsite that only for ghost, and I did it. My campsite have no people in there with no car, but they will pay me the campsite fee some how, so cool.
This is a crazy glitch, you can clone a lot of jet ski and jam the dock.
There is some funny thing that you can do in the new update. You can have Sasquatch to be hanged by the Crane. Here is how to do it.
There is some funny thing that you can do in the new update. You can have a ghost security guard running around.
There are couple of bugs in the new update. This is one of them, and I called it smelly Hanging bug. First, you have to be smelly and then push the security guard to the elevator and move him away. After that, you will have the hanging bug and stuck forever when passing the security point.
There is a glitch that you do look like you are go the cargo ship. Here is how to do it.
There is a way that you can have multiple passengers cars onto one single ferry. Here is how to do it.
Although most of the glitches are fixed in 1.8.1 even the popular dog rollover break in. We have a new way to break in, called Push the Dog Break in Glitch. Thanks xylardarkblade for the information.
Although most of the glitches are fixed in 1.8.1. There is still one glitch that we can use to open the gate. It is the Super Car Push Glitch.
This is very fun. The Super Car Push glitch is very crazy. You can do a lot of things with it. One of the thing you can do is to steal the shopping cart.
Normally, you cannot able to bring the bush to the city because you cannot walk pass the highway. Dinsun found the way to do it. Here is how to do it.
From the previous video, I can able to bring the Bush to the City. Now, I finally found the best stealing method. It is using the bush for stealing.
There are some magic in the Admin building of the seaport. The food in the fridge and the cooler will be auto refilled every time you get to the area. So Magical.
Something is not right when you bring the bush to the crane and do the bouncy castle glitch. Yes, we got a Mini bouncy castle. Mini Sasquatch
There is a glitch that you can swim in the Deep Water. Here is how to do it.
Don't know this glitch is old glitch or new glitch. You can have lumbers with passengers together at the truck. The passengers look like they stuck their heads in the lumbers.
The new 1.8.2 update is finally here, and there is a glitch that I just found out. You can walk pass the wall at the Diner. here is how to do it.
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