- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Here are some screenshots of the game.
When I first found out about hot lava on my computer I was instantly hooked and was happy when I found out it was on the iPhone for Apple Arcade. But when you start to play the game you will notice some small issues that can get a little annoying. For one, my jump button sometimes randomly disables which can get annoying but pausing and continuing seems to fix it so it isn’t to bad. The second thing is the controls. As a game that I’m assuming was ported to the computer and with how much you can do the controls are actually really good, the only problem is that they are invisible half the time and I have to guess where to put my finger to jump instead of crouching and vice versa, but I’m sure a quick change by putting symbols or something to indicate certain features would make this easier. Other than that the controls are great and I appreciate the gyro controls since I play games like splatoon which made it feel similar to other games I play. Lastly is something small but as a 100% achievement person I’m a little annoyed about the “play on MacOS” and “play on TVOS” achievements since I don’t have those nor would buy them just for this game. All in all though this game is great and the little references to other klei games such as don’t starve and oxygen not included are awesome, keep up the great work!
This game is super great! I downloaded this game because a friend recommended it to me I love it! It really is nostalgic and super addictive. However there is one or two problems that I can’t quite get past in order to actually play the game first of all in the video they make it seem so easy to jump from place to place and slide on the slime walls but really in reality it’s quite hard to jump slide and do all of the cool stuff that is done and videos. Also there are levels that just don’t make sense I don’t know if it’s a glitch but no matter what I do I can’t get to get past the meat grinder level. the wall is literally blocked off it’s impossible to reach anything and the other worlds are super cool but it’s hard to collect anything in there except for mysteries which is kind of lame. Thanks for a great game and if you could fix these problems I think it would be the best Apple Arcade game.
Who didn't play "the floor is lava" as a kid?! It's about time someone made a game based off that and this one doesn't disappoint. It adds an interesting twist where instead of being a human being, you're playing as an action figure, which adds an neat twist and doesn't distract from the gameplay. This also allows for some fun character personalization (I don't care for that but I know many folks do.) I've only found two main things that are not ideal- this game would be much better played on a platform with a paddle, like PlayStation or Xbox. It's pretty difficult and complicated for the phone - but they do a great job with it's overall playability! Second, the game demands so much of your phone that my iPhone 7 gets pretty hot while operating this game. I suggest turning off haptics and keeping sounds down. I again have to take my phone or if it's car. Overall great game!
OK, so is everybody knows this game is absolutely great. I am absolutely addicted to it but when I get onto the other levels, I began to notice something… what I noticed was that the creator of the game was actually being a little bit lazy, and wasn’t adding more details like they did in the first few levels, which was very sad, because in the other levels you weren’t able to grab stuff and it wasn’t that detailed like the first few ones so developer if you’re reading this, please take your time when creating courses because if it’s not that detailed as it used to be then it’s gonna be sad because it’s not that detailed and it has a sharp edges on other levels and you can’t really grab any stuff unless it’s an energy drink soda Best Regards, Emma Abreu
First off I love this game I love the comics the achievements the characters (my fav is Hazard btw) and I love the speed in the game. A few problems I have are these, first I have a hard time getting the controls to work. One time I used the controls and i didn’t move or anything. It could be that I was sweaty and my phone didn’t respond but it just stopped. Also I feel like when you get the pages it’s really hard because you have to find six pages in every map but it’s like a lil hard to find so I can’t really read it. Maybe like make 2 or 3 pages to find but like I really just wanna read the comic. That’s all so far I love it and I love the game. 😀
At first I thought this would be a crappy and a bad parkour game but I was very wrong. This game is amazing and the graphics and levels are beautifully made and very true to the 90s. My only complaint is there are a lack of levels after you’ve played for a couple of hours. Me being a completionist I like to unlock every item and beat every level but the fan made levels just aren’t fun in my opinion but the actual game levels are super fun. But if you have Apple Arcade and just like sandbox or parkour games then this one is an absolute must download it is so much fun by yourself but even better with friends.
Hey I really liked you guys game but I stopped playing it a long time ago when the 60FPS option wasn’t available. I have recently got a new IPhone 14 and I reinstalled the app. I still don’t see the option. Is this something that as to do with storage or anything because I used to have this option but now it’s gone. There is no reason I should t be able to run 60 fps because my WAYY older phone did. I’m in a way newer model. My brother has the option and he literally has a lower model than me, he has the iPhone 13. Any idea on how to add this back it completely ruins the game for me and I would play it a lot more and add a better review if that option was back. Thanks. I’m looking forward to a response.
I downloaded this not knowing what I was in for but I couldn’t put it down! I’ve been playing this on my iPad (6th gen) and Apple TV (4K) using the a DualShock 4 and it runs great. It’s a bit of a “speed running” game. No conflict, just moving from one end of the stage to another. I enjoy the way the game encourages you to get faster and faster times, and slowly teaches you advanced techniques such a boosting and bunny hopping. It might not be for everyone but if you enjoy the type of game play where you slowly improve yourself bit by bit I’d highly recommend this - a controller is highly recommended however. Touch controls are decent but a controller feels natural.
Wow. I understand that this is all new, but I haven’t found a good game on Apple Arcade yet. The graphics are OK on this, but just like every other game so far I’ve tried the controls are clunky and just irritating. What comes next? I’m guessing that Apple has some sort of Bluetooth controller in the works, that’s got to be the only reason these fairly good looking and well made games have such garbage controls. Also, can we stop trying to make new games look more like old games? I don’t understand this. I was around during the “retro” games period, and it sucked. Now I have to live through the 80’s & 90’s again.
The developer is Klei who is also the developer of Don’t starve Wilson. Now about the characters. My favorite and first character is hazard. Now about the intro, it was a bit sus but it was a piece of cake 😎. The first worlds I played was playground and gym class. My least favorite worlds worlds were Rocco’s arcade and master class but I dominated them like the king of hot lava I am😎 The ones I distroed were hole sale and basement 😂 also the chase throu the store was sort but hard it was so hard that I almost 🤮 now about the community worlds there four gat journey and blue box sandy sores it would have been easier if it was on Xbox ps or pc that’s all three stars it’s fun the age is four but it’s not easy but I hope you have a good day byby by canna
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