We dress in green to celebrate the arrival of the St. Patrick's Day event!
Get ready for an unforgettable tournament, facing off against incredible characters in search of the coveted cup brimming with gold coins, waiting at the end of the rainbow.
And luck is on your side! Because we've prepared dozens of gifts to surprise you every day with something new!
Guaranteed fun!
Here are some screenshots of the game.
I first downloaded this game a while back, around when apple arcade first released and played it ALL THE TIME in between classes. It was way more buggy back then and has gotten so much better now that I’ve picked it back up. I love the addition of the career mode and I’m always up for extra customization. I’m not sure how long it’s been there, but it really adds to the challenge as opposed to the urge to pick the most skilled team every time in the tournament mode. The only thing I could complain about is sometimes the passing and shooting assist seems to turn off for a match, and the players seem to just be kicking every single time instead of passing, even when you press that button.
It’s a fun game to play, but often times it feels lacking. The controls tend to fritz more often than not. I’ll tackle, and as soon as I take control of the ball my player will randomly take a shot as well. Or if I pass the ball, my character remains as the player first in possession. Or it’ll switch to the player the ball was passed too, but rather than run towards the ball, the controls take a while to react and the player more often than not runs AWAY from the ball. There should be some level of automated controls that helps players go for the ball, or not register one tap on the tackle button as both, a tap for tackling and then for shooting. And players should come in possession of a free rolling ball when near it, rather than having to run around the ball for a few seconds before taking possession. Friendlies are fun bc they don’t depend on you winning. But other than that, tournaments and such are a pain, and will be until the issues mentioned are fixed. Hopefully something can be done, but in the meanwhile it’s simply a fun game to play a few times a week when all else fails to entertain
The game itself is really cool I’m not going to lie. I love the concept and the teams and what can be done in the game is super cool. The control really annoy me because they are lacking severely. For starters not even in fifa are the cpu defenders on your back as soon as you get the ball. As soon as I get the ball the cpu players are on my back and I can’t even pass because trying to pass the ball requires me to stop even though I keep trying to run while passing and since the cpu players are right on me they take the ball away every time. The same goes for shooting it is very hard to get a shot off cleanly the game is very sloppy when it comes to change of possession can you guys please fix that. On defense for corner kicks the only two options for controls are tackle and change player, so tell me how can I defend a corner kick with those only options it’s like a guaranteed goal for the opponent every time. The game itself is cool but the controls really need work please I don’t wanna give up playing it it’s so cool but if the controls don’t get fixed so it’s more user friendly I’m going to delete it.
This game alone will be the reason I pay for Apple Arcade! (The game is enjoyable. However, playing the career mode is plagued with a bug that gives you negative XP points after you win a game. **this seems to be fixed***) This has become my #1 game and I can’t stop playing it. The artwork is great and the options to customize are enough to make it fun but not too much to overwhelm. It’s nice to have male and female players. Though I wish the hair styles for male and female players were available for both. The game play can have a couple of glitches here and there. But it’s not bad. The developer did respond to my email and worked with me for a solution. *** Wish list: Ability to copy your existing team to another slot to make alternate alterations (career mode) Ability to change stadiums on game play (there is this awful purple turf - Halloween themed stadium that hurts my eyes as I play, the turf should be green) Allow us to re-play the lower cups in career mode. A board of player stats: Most goals, most fouls, most saves etc. An MVP at the end of a tournament. More buttons for players using Nimbus (or other console type) controllers
This is a really simple but fun soccer game. It feels really arcade, simple input, straightforward outcome and fast pace. Since this game is not focusing on “make it realistic”, therefore the cartoon style really meets the core experience. Even through the input is simple and the graphics is cartoonish, but the overall matching experience is very exciting. Every moment is the critical moment. You have to pay attention to where are your teammates, how close your opponents are, when to kick the ball and how hard should it be. The respond of each input is immediate and accurate, especially at the moment of changing directions. But there’re also some small drawbacks. Most of them are related to AI team mates. The AI seem like they don’t really care about the formation. In lots of cases, they’re basically everywhere. Another case is, when I am attacking, there’s always an AI team mate standing at the penalty area, and blocking the path of the ball. It’s quite annoying. The last case is the goal keeper is just way too powerful, they can catch the ball as long as they are near which makes the attacking more challenge. Overall, this is a fun arcade soccer game. Well done, mate.
‘Casual’ is not a negative word. This is fun. I’m not a knowledgeable futball fan, so I can’t speak as someone who has a deep understanding of the game. I enjoy watching it, and I’ve wanted an iOS game to play. This is it, as best I can tell. There are little touches here and there that make me believe the designers *do* have that deep understanding I lack. The mechanics aren’t overly complicated, but there is strategy to be developed. Practice is rewarded. The star-off is for technical issues that don’t directly affect game-play, but ... come on. Every goal gets ‘first-timer’ award? That’s a first-update issue. How is it my players develop a fear of the ball? They must be scared of it *because they want nothing to do with it.*. Again, this is intermittent, not all-the-time. I consider this minor stuff. I’ve installed and uninstalled a ton of Arcade games. This is a keeper.
This game is very addictive and enjoyable. There are many modes and you can play with several teams around the globe! My personal favorite mode is Career because you can make your own team and design everything about it. There are a couple glitches, but all negatives aside this game is SO fun. I can’t stop playing it. If your skeptical about getting this, I would for sure try it. I’m a soccer player myself and this game gets me all worked up when I score, or when I can’t block a goal. Very addicting!
Don’t waste your time. This game is rigged to ensure the game gets the result it had decided. No matter what you do your team will scratch their head, your goal will let a goal through from half way down the field. I’ve played many hard modes on many game but this one is total trash. It’s super hard yes, but the developers never took the time to make it fair. Hard is basically them making sure they win and seriously screw that. The biggest offender is how the opposing team will suddenly become much better after you score and your defence decides to run away from the ball. Feels like it’s trying to force a result and boy is it infuriating. The consistency is also off, sometimes the goalie will just stand there and have the ball go through them into the goal or a shot that should never make it magically makes it through. Feels like the game decides it needs to even the score and allows the most ridiculous things to make that happen. Absolute trash moments when they happen. A very high and low kind of experience when wasting time on this trash
I just recently downloaded this game and have only played the career mode so far. I am really enjoying it! I don’t usually like sports games but this one is challenging but not so hard that I don’t have a chance to win. Additionally, slowly developing and building up your players in career mode is something which reminds me of one of my favorite parts of playing RPGs. The only thing which is preventing me from giving 5 stars right now is the lack of player stats. In career mode it would be really great to have some type of stats on my players, at the minimum the goals scored by each player in the current season.
Any of the “assistance” in the game actually just screws you and your team over. The aiming system is garbage if you have it on too. The -how to play- section is only tailored to when assisted controls are on leaving people like me extremely confused. Why are goalies in career mode so expensive? Why can’t they actually block the ball when the enemy is on hard mode? And don’t even get me started on hard mode. It’s nice and I love it but goalies can’t ever catch up if you want to balance your other areas in your team. AND NERF DRIBBLING YOU IDIOTS. WHY CAN ONE PLAYER WITH DRIBBLING 5 GO THROUGH FOUR PLAYERS WITH MARKING 5??? This game is unbalanced. Overall a bad experience but I enjoyed the idea of career mode. It still gets 1 star from me though.
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