Wonderbox: The Adventure Maker

Info, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Glitch, News

Endless adventures await.







Creating and exploring are the essence of Wonderbox, an action-adventure game set in beautiful dioramas. Discover this ever-expanding universe with your friends and family, where you can make and share your own adventures.SEVEN WONDERS OF THE GAME1 - The AdventuresAccept the call, and your journey is set: to have fun! Prepare yourself to face a path full of challenges, enemies, puzzles, and platforms. Every time you open the game, a new road of trials stands between you and the heart of adventure. Only the brave will succeed.2 - The Creator ModePlaying an adventure is cool, but what would it be like creating your own? You have all you need: Blocks, Characters, and Items. They come with premade behaviors and allow you to create an entire adventure using the same tools and content we use ourselves. See how blocks magically combine into stunning structures. Your finger is all you need to build environments, give life to characters, hide treasures, place enemies, and design combats. Take a chance! Publish your adventure, share it with friends and players around the world. Such creativity might even be featured in the Wonderbox gallery.3 - The BoxesThese are the core of the game: the carefully-crafted spaces where the adventure flows. Visuals are colorful and often breathtaking. Don't get too cozy, though, because a quiet sunset box might lead to one with nightfall or sandstorm. From box to box, there is a deep chain of interconnected environments to explore. Each one is unique, like a masterly grown bonsai: small in shape, immense in meaning.4 - The HeroesChoose the hero you want to be. Customize your character with a vast diversity of possibilities. Earn more as you play and upgrade your collection. Assemble the coolest, the bravest, or even the weirdest hero for your quest. Travel through the boxes, talk to the villagers, cross the portals, beat the enemies, and avoid the hazards. Playing this game is all about exploring, fighting, jumping, and solving.5 - The ChallengesSome boxes are amazing. Others are a maze. Sometimes you need coins to buy the sword to beat the goblin to get the key to open the door to finally escape. A treasure might be hidden under, above, in front of or behind a simple tree. Discover! Rotate the camera to explore each corner of the diorama. And beware: the challenges are limitless, just like the adventures.6 - The Party ModeExpandable fun! Up to 4 players can form a party and play any adventure together. Call your tribe and cross the threshold. Even a dark dungeon gets brighter when you're surrounded by well-equipped family and friends.7 - The SoundtrackBe amused by the chords of Eric Chevalier, the composer of Rayman 2: The Great Escape. Each note of the soundtrack is there for a reason: to build the perfect atmosphere not only to play a game, but to play a hero.

Wonderbox: The Adventure Maker is a game that lets you create and explore beautiful dioramas. You can play over 200 games made by other players or make your own using blocks, characters, and items. You can also share your adventures with friends and family and play together in up to 4-player multiplayer mode. Wonderbox is a game that combines creativity, action, and adventure in an ever-expanding universe. 


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7screenshot 8

Ratings & Reviews

Great, challenging game
Mon Sep 13 2021 brettimus

Downloaded this over the weekend and didn’t look up from my screen for several hours. My daughter loves it too, especially being able to play with me, and designing new worlds for us to explore together. My only complaint is that it is nearly impossible to play the more challenging boxes (e.g., the boss fight at the end of Hero’s Journey) on an iPhone. The screen is just too cramped and my thumbs too big for the tiny buttons. As a result, when I try to attack or defend, I end up changing the perspective instead, almost always resulting in my untimely demise. Incredibly frustrating! My suggestions: 1) make the buttons slightly bigger (by default or as an option), as there is no use for the space between buttons; and 2) allow players to lock the perspective with some sort of toggle; or 3) allow AI to take control of the perspective, especially during intense action when you need your thumbs for fighting.

Fun and addicting game, but missing a few things
Tue Aug 23 2022 RonnieSan360

I discovered this game after subscribing to Apple Arcade and this game alone makes it worth the cost. It’s so much fun making levels, I just wish validating long levels was better, like you could pick up on the box prior to the one you make changes to. What I would suggest adding would be a few more enemies like a grub that can turn left or right to hug the edge of a platform. Maybe a new boss or two like a big sand worm that pops up in different locations. Some of the enemies are also dumb and kill themselves on stuff. Would be cool to have some kind of water enemy also like a piranha. For additional blocks, I would love to have an invisible barrier block that players can’t go past, like a force field. It would be super helpful in making it so people can’t bypass stuff with the grappling hook or other tools. I’d also like a pushable block instead of having to use the frog for puzzles. Maybe a hovering elevator block that moves up and down a certain number of blocks or can be activated by a switch or when stepped on. A block you can bounce on maybe. We definitely need a teleported so when you beat a section, you don’t need to run all the way back through it. Also, can we get a cloud block or cloud city theme? And one last thing that would be great would be the ability to customize dialog. I want to write hints. Anyways, love this game and would like to see more additions.

Great game, ruined by save game bugs.
Tue Apr 06 2021 Spudlips

Update: It looks like when the game loses connection to Game Center, it reverts back to some old save. You play that for awhile and when Game Center connection comes back, you may get back to your original progress. I made it back to “transcendence” level, but now I can’t move when the level starts, only jump or swing sword. I waited a long time for this delayed game to finally be released. It is a great game, with nice graphics, story, and game play. The disappointment is with saving progress. On my iPad Pro, after pausing the game it says progress saved. However, you come back later and the game has been pulled out of memory and restarts. You are then maybe a world and some levels back from where you left off. I’m tired of repeating hours of progress to get back to where I was. Devs need to fix this auto save or give us a manual save option. Another weird issue is the earning of clothes, heads, etc. I pick them and play several levels, then at some point in the future after a pause, my choices are reverted back to random choices and some of what I earned is now not there anymore. Comment: Why have us collect coins if I can’t purchase anything? I get the levels that require you to find enough coins to purchase something to continue. But why should I bother for the other levels if they don’t accumulate during the entire game to buy skins, weapons, upgrades, or something.

Great game, just one problem
Sun Apr 04 2021 skullership

I honestly think this is one of the best games Apple Arcade has in its catalog, but one thing irks this experience away from being a true 5 stars. It mostly hurts the creator box, but also a bit of the campaign. My big issue with this game is its inability to create user dialogue. In many cases players not only want to make an engaging level, but also an engaging plot. This can enable the plot to the point that it can be as cookie cutter as simply telling you what task you should do without any explanation. Sadly this also has an effect on the campaign. Usually a campaign in a game like this would be small and short, but the campaign in this game is 33 levels and 4 worlds long, with more to come soon. As I went through the campaign certain things didn’t make much sense to me unless I used my imagination. Plot details were left out and many things couldn’t be understood unless you read the descriptions in the creator box. Many of the villains motives are explained there, but I shouldn’t have to read a different source within the game that isn’t directly included as a collectible or piece of text in the campaign. This also leads to some characters dialogue (such as the as the villagers and monarch) becoming boring and repetitive. I hope this problem is fixed in coming updates but for now I’ll wait.

Really fun, just a few suggestions
Tue Apr 18 2023 hiphopnerd345🦄💩

Hi! My name is JacksonPizza810 and I made Save the King! and Find the flowers. I think that this game is very fun and addicting, and deserves five stars. I just have a few suggestions. Maybe you could have a feature to disconnect different boxes from each other, because one time I had an inn and a boss battle right next to each other. It was really annoying, and I had to hide the portal between them under the land. I also think you could have a collection of items that is underwater-themed, and if you add an environment block that is completely underwater, your character could automatically start floating in the air and looking like he/she/they is swimming. You could even add a mode for any character that gives you something. You could turn on a mode called “Trick Mode” where the person tells you that they need something from you like usual, and they will buy it from you, you will trade, or you will buy it from them. You get it, you give it to them, and it turns out that that person is evil! Thank you for reading this! Note: Some of these features may already exist. If so, please comment how to access these! Sincerely, JacksonPizza810 Edit: I figured out how to connect and disconnect boxes! lol

Awesome game, but...
Fri Aug 04 2023 zenfrodo

I LOVE this game. It's definitely one of the more unique mobile games out there & the reason I initially tried Apple Arcade to begin with. You create your own hero, traveling thru player- and developer-created adventures to find the Heart of Adventure. Yup, it allows player-content, and the creativity of the player base never fails to amaze. Adventures run the gamut from simple, easy platforming to full-on multi-player brawls with frustratingly tough monsters to complex puzzles that require serious brainwaves to figure out. With all that said -- and understand, it's one of the best offerings on Arcade! -- it does have some issues. If you're on iOS, you definitely want to find a controller. Trying to do adventures with just the default touchscreen can be very frustrating, if not impossible. Also, adventures can get very repetitive, since you cannot change any of the text that the NPCs say, all the monsters are the same and players are limited to whatever updates and styles and objects that Aquiris takes the time to put out. Mind, the player base is EXTREMELY creative, but it'd be nice to get more regular updates and item sets added to the game.

Horrible bug report system
Sun Jul 24 2022 SummerShimmer

There’s no way a player can describe a problem, game only gives 3 options to choose, and even if it does apply to the problem, it doesn’t let you to share details of this problem. So far i had problems 2 times, and these problems were never fixed. One time there was a glitch with a grub, it got stuck behind the open doors, while it was supposed to crawl to it’s doom ahead, in order for me to be able to open the chest. It happened in the area of box covered by a wall and separated with a split, so i had no way to get there or intervene in any other way, and the rest of the grubs were killed by me from distance with the help of a lever and disappearing blocks (this one was supposed to do the same, but it got stuck). Now, after a year, another issue emerged for me, and I’m afraid it’s not going to be fixed, as well. I have cleared all July top boxes, except for one, because every time i start it, game kicks me out in two minutes or less. I reported it, but since there was no option to tell what exactly is happening, I doubt the developers will get it right, and, thus, there is no way they are ever going to fix it for me.

Excellent game, few suggestions
Wed Oct 06 2021 shadowlord521

This game is really good! one that I would recommend if your that person who likes creative type games. A few suggestions though, like adding fire, for like a goblin raids the villages or castles, or a house that’s on fire. Another idea is vines, for abandoned villages or a really old house in the middle of the woods, I don’t really like using the bushes to make overgrown cites, it’s too mush of a hassle. Another idea are twigs, like you can place them randomly around a forest, but if you step on it, it can alert enemies around or just annoy some villagers, and it can make a place more realistic. Another idea is filters for the random box generator, sometimes, I want a house, but it takes sooooo long to find that house (interior) because I find a million other boxes, this could be helpful for so many starters who are just beginning to create. These are a lot of ideas that I hope come into the game and would appreciate it if you did! And I’m pretty sure others would appreciate too. PS, this game is awesome

Very fun!! Recommend
Sun Mar 19 2023 👍good game, read this \/

So, I got this game yesterday and I have been obsessed with it! It’s a very cool game, and I always love games where you make your own game, and this is one of the best. But, it kind of looks like it’s just for little kids, but it’s NOT. It is actually pretty complicated and fun for older kids (and maybe even adults). One of the best Apple Arcade apps! It lacks the ability to make your own textures/ dialogue like other games, but A: I don’t know how that could even work with the graphics and B: they want to keep it kid-appropriate. My suggestions for the developers would be to add a few more “packs” (or whatever you call the things with themed blocks and items). You have already done “European” architecture, and desert “Middle East” architecture, so you should add “African” savannah packs, “Asian” bamboo theme, “South American” jungle theme, “North American” prairie theme, and “Australia and Oceania” island themes. Just suggestions, so that lots of types of medieval time period cultures are represented.

And it’s my favorite😭😭😭😭
Tue Aug 10 2021 lego mastermind

Hello! This is a great game. But has issues… 1. My favorite level I made called “fight your team! (Bomb Royale)” and when I do multiplayer on it, IT STAYS ON THE LOADING SCREEN FORRRRREEEVVVEEERRRR!!!!! and won’t stop. I don’t know if it’s the same for other people but at least me. Plz fix this! 2. The latest update has made a strange glitch. It won’t let me move, only jump and use items, and makes the screen move weird. 3. I have a feeling it eats my batteries quickly lol and that’s it! I’m on iPhone (mobile) and I would like these to be updated. I also have an idea for the game. A new building set, (like scortching frontier and stuff) called wonders of the ocean, with new monsters, which can survive on water, and breathable water(a new block to build with), but not on land. Breathable water let’s you be able to not lose health in this water! The rest is up to you lololol… also an update to the castle 🏰! Add a Royale bow, which does less damage then the Royale sword, but more then the regular bow. I hope you can fix and add these things! It’s a great game!


link to Page

  1. #wonderbox

  2. The video shows you the walkthrough of the Dawn of Adventure Campaign

  3. The video shows you the walkthrough of the Hero's Journey Campaign

  4. The video shows you the walkthrough of the A Vast World Campaign

  5. The video shows you the walkthrough of the The Icy Matters Campaign

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