Good Sudoku+

Info, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Glitch, News

Sudoku that loves you







You’ve never played Sudoku like this. Good Sudoku turns your iOS device into an AI powered Sudoku genius whose only mission is to help you learn and love this classic game. Whether you’ve never tried Sudoku, or you play every day, Good Sudoku’s elegant layout, intelligent hint system, and busywork reducing tweaks will help you play better and have more fun. - Over 70,000 of the highest quality puzzles you’ll see anywhere - Optional tools to reduce busywork - AI powered hint support to continuously boost your skills - 3 standard modes: Good, Arcade, and Eternal - 3 Daily puzzle modes that get harder throughout the week + global leaderboards - 6 levels of difficulty - Import your own puzzles from elsewhere in Custom mode (and share them with friends!) --- We put everything we could into making the best digital Sudoku game ever released: - We wrote a puzzle generator from scratch to create over 70,000 of the highest quality puzzles you’ll see anywhere. We spent weeks figuring out how to generate intricate and complex puzzles you won’t find in other Sudoku apps. Our hardest puzzles require wild techniques like “XYZ Wings”, “Hidden Quadrouples”, “Jellyfish”, and “Swordfish”. - Most people don’t know this but Sudoku puzzles are actually generated by programatic Sudoku solvers. The fastest way to know how hard your puzzle is, or if it’s valid, is to write a solver that knows all the strategies that can try it. With Good Sudoku, we run our solver as you are playing, so if you get stuck, it can detect what you know by looking at your answers and your notes, and then help you find the next technique you need to solve the puzzle. - Most Sudoku games classify difficulty into vague Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulties — But what do these difficulties mean? Typically they refer to the kinds of solving techniques that are required to solve a given puzzle without resorting to guess-and-check. In Good Sudoku we aren’t vague about it at all. We lay out exactly which techniques are required for each difficulty level. Good Sudoku allows you to practice them individually outside of puzzles, and keeps track of which ones you’ve learned! - When we first got interested in Sudoku we noticed that a lot of players spend most of their time looking at the board and counting. On easy puzzles, this counting serves as a way to increase the difficulty by making the puzzle take longer. We know some sudoku players love the counting but we found it a bit tedious and designed some tools to alleviate the busywork. At first these tools might feel a bit like cheating, but once your mind is freed up from counting you’ll have space to see the much deeper more fascinating side of Sudoku: all of the beautiful technique structures. Freed from the burden of busywork Sudoku becomes one of the best search-style games we’ve ever played. More fun than word-searches and solitaire, high-level Sudoku is a real treat — and with Good Sudoku and a little practice, anyone can learn it! - We noticed when looking at other Sudoku apps although there are often daily puzzle modes, those modes never include global leaderboards. Weird! Good Sudoku remedies this problem! - We wanted to make the best Sudoku out there, and while we’re proud of our puzzles, we recognize that puzzles come from all places. That’s why we built a quick and easy custom puzzle mode into Good Sudoku, so if you have a paper puzzle that you’re stuck on, or you’re trying some wild variant (Like the Miracle Sudoku!) it’s easy to put it into the game, play it, and share it with your friends. If the puzzle follows standard Sudoku rules, our hint system will even help you get unstuck! We truly hope Good Sudoku can introduce you to, or deepen your love for this great game. -Zach and Jack


Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6

Ratings & Reviews

Fantastic Until Harder Techniques
Mon Dec 12 2022 minervino95

I hadn’t ever played sudoku before seeing this app. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it and how almost intuitive this app made it. I advanced to the pro levels within a few days and then was stuck. I used their “improve” function which is used to learn techniques by difficulty and also practice them. One of the two cons of this app is that I don’t think it does a thorough enough job explaining the more difficult techniques. During the examples/practice, I’ll see an option that I think is correct and it simply says it’s not what they’re looking for. It doesn’t explain WHY it’s wrong or why the option they want is the only correct one. So a lot of times I feel like I get a technique, but in practice it only works 50-60% of the time, or I just don’t get it at all. The other con is that it feels like the levels have gotten stuck on one technique that I don’t get at all. Every single pro level I’ve played for the past week needs at least 1 y-wing (one puzzle needed 4 😭) I just wish there was more variation in the techniques needed to solve the harder puzzles. The previous difficulty level, “expert,” is too easy but “pro” is too difficult. So it’s definitely becoming less enjoyable to play because I can’t advance anymore.

Great fun, but lacking some things.
Tue Jan 23 2024 Shabbydiva

I play the Pro level and often get “congratulations on using ___ technique,” but I don’t understand the techniques at all. I wish a definition was included, so I’d understand that better. My biggest gripe is that the “Hint” button is right under the red bar to strike a number. In advanced play, using logic to eliminate numbers is vital. Too often I’ve hit the “Hint” button when I did not mean to. If it was under “Undo” this would be eliminated. Speaking of the red bar to strike a number, you have to be really careful that it’s turned on. I just was playing a game where I was striking out the 3 six unique times. The fourth strike failed and became a guess. I repressed the strike and hit the 3 and it too was a guess. I try to be very very careful about striking because this can easily happen. I think that if you’ve guessed a number it should automatically strike if it’s incorrect, instead of needing to be manually struck.

Great app! With one bug
Tue Feb 07 2023 iammadeoflove

I’ve loved this app! I’ve played sudoku for over 15 years, but I was stuck at about the same level of difficulty (hard ish) for a long time. I couldn’t find instructions for more advanced techniques that I could easily apply. Enter this app! When I started a couple months ago, I was having a hard time with pro levels, especially Y-wings. Now I’m able to do impossible core levels with only occasional hints! I’ve enjoyed sudoku more with this app than I have in a long time. The one bug I’ve found: if you’re in the middle of a puzzle and you reopen the app, if you then hit “resume” on the main page too soon, it’ll play both the main page music and the regular puzzle music at the same time. If you wait about 5 seconds for the main page music to start playing, it’s fine. Very minor in the grand scheme of things, though, and certainly doesn’t detract much from my great experience.

Good but needs small tweaks
Sun Dec 19 2021 CleverNameGoesHere

I love sudoku, I’ve been playing it since before smart phones, back when all we had was pencil and paper. Over the years I’ve tried various sudoku apps, giving up on all of them because they just didn’t work for me. This app truly delivers where others have lacked. (Yay for auto notes, focusing, recovery, and color themes!) …. My biggest wish is that the “focus” mode has the ability to focus on more than one number at a time. It’s definitely needed when I’m looking for pairs. …. I like that I can set the hints to ask if I’m sure so that when I accidentally bump it I’m not wasting a hint. I would like to see a number or some sort of indication if I’ve used a hint for that round, that way if I’m stuck and haven’t used a hint yet I can encourage myself to keep trying. …. Additionally the organization is cumbersome to navigate different games, modes, and settings etc.

Good, but not great
Mon May 22 2023 SoundsCrazy

The gameplay, customizability, and functionality on the app are both awesome, but I did want to touch on two topics: 1. The explanation of higher level techniques isn’t elaborate enough. It’s really difficult trying to understand what the tutorial for the technique is trying to convey. I do think having less numbers in the examples to isolate the area of the example would make it easier to recognize. 2. Whenever I discover and validate a hidden pair, I always assume that the rest of the candidates in the cells are null and void, but the game doesn’t recognize that. Later on, when I go to use a hint on a harder difficulty puzzle, it basically indicates to me the hidden pair that I had already confirmed to be true. I wish there was a way to indicate hidden pairs in notation and have the game automatically cancel all the other candidates without having to switch over to the strike-through function to manually cross out all the others.

Constantly crashing and slowing down phone
Mon Jun 14 2021 Kieran ennis

I love this app, don’t get me wrong. It is a must have for those wanting to easily learn Sudoku, and it’s intuitive design across the board easily earns this app a 6 star rating. Unfortunately after playing this for a couple weeks I started noticing the game would hang more and more frequently, even when there is no other apps loaded in multitasking. After playing over 200 of the pro puzzles, it stuttered significantly when saving or selecting multiple cells to mark. It got to the point where it would crash in the middle of a puzzle too frequently for me to hold the app in the high standard I initially had of it. I have to mark it a 4 star, as this app is a diamond, but with the stability issues becoming so frequent, it is preventing me from playing and has become more of a pain.

lovely app!
Sat Aug 14 2021 emsfitz

I’ve loved sudoku for a couple years now but I just started playing with this app a month or two ago. It’s interface is so refreshing and all the different modes give a nice variation to a straightforward game to keep things interesting. I have recently had a reoccurring technical issue I wanted to report. I have had a lot of trouble with the game freezing when I hit a button on the lower left part of the screen. Specifically the “<Back” button has had a lot of issues. It often disappears when I press it and I have to hit the general area a few times before the previous screen starts to load. I’d be happy to answer questions if I’m being to vague in my description. All in all I love this game and it’s brought a whole new dimension to my love of sudoku! Thank you :)

By Far The Best Sudoku App Out There
Sun Feb 27 2022 mariah_p

This app blows all other sudoku apps out of the water. The hints, the strategy tutorials, the visuals, extra challenging puzzles for those who want them — it’s *THE* app for sudoku lovers. Perhaps most important is that the app allows you to make the 2 kinds of notes (individual cell candidates and 3x3 box candidates) that are absolutely essential if you want to be able to solve harder puzzles. Every other sudoku app I’ve played has made the glaring mistake of not giving players this capacity, which astounds me! So glad Good Sudoku came onto the scene to fix this. The only thing I would change about the app would be to add a “highlight” function which would let players color in cells’ backgrounds. That’d make looking for x-wings/swordfishes etc. a lot easier.

Highly recommend if you enjoy or want to learn Sudoku
Tue Jan 10 2023 Blessedhellride

This is a very well designed sudoku app that makes the game fun while also helping you learn and improve. The “Good” mode is truly a game changer. So much of sudoku is “busy work” of checking columns and rows over and over and over again without applying any actual strategy. The Good mode speeds up this process by highlighting cells which makes it way more fun and faster to play. And then if you want to improve, using hints when you're stuck keeps you going but also teaches you new strategies along the way. You can actually feel the difference as you continue to play and realize that you’re picking up these more advanced techniques without even knowing it. Really great app.

I’m shocked
Fri May 14 2021 AAAAAaaaaaaaa98

I was hesitant at first because I’m one of those people who search for sudoku books and love the process of filling it out on paper. This is the closest and most helpful sudoku app I’ve found. I appreciate that they’ve taken the time to make it feel realistic to the process of elimination you use to solve sudoku puzzles irl and give you tips along the way. You can really challenge yourself without it being a cash grab for “hints” or harder levels. It’s all accessible and easy for beginners to learn which is something that I really think this generation needs. I hate being the only 22 year old I know who understands and loves these types of puzzles and this provides a way for someone to easily learn.

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