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A Diorama Adventure RPG








Full Walkthrough of FANTASIAN. #fantasian #applearcade

  1. Fastasian is a must play game in Apple Arcade. The Graphics is perfect, the story is rich. What can you expect more from that. It is like the old RPG game with rich story line. Not like the new mobile game, that focus on in Game Purchase. I love this Game, and I hope you too. This is the Chapter 0 - the Tutorial.

  2. This is the Chapter #1 of this amazing RPG game in Apple Arcade. The walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Thaumatech Factory [Boss], Frontier Town of En, The Fortune-Teller.

  3. This is the Chapter #2 of this amazing RPG game in Apple Arcade. The walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Fortune-Telling Fee, Kina's Forest

  4. This is the Chapter #2 of this amazing RPG game in Apple Arcade. The walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Ritual, Destiny, Counterfeit Tickets, The Uzra and Disaster Strikes

  5. This is the Chapter 4 of the series, thie walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Sandstorm, Direct Line to Vence, Engine Trouble, Rampage, Danger, Their Feelings.

  6. This is the Chapter 5 of the series, this walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Vence's City of Water, Vence's Toy Box

  7. This is the Chapter 6 of the series, this walkthrough covered the following events. [Story]Beyond the Door, Warp Device Redux, Ancient Hill, Vence Fortune-Teller.

  8. This is the Chapter 7 of the series, this walkthrough covered the following events. [Story]Solitude, An Unexpected Clue, Secret Base, Robots with Heart, Kina and Cheryl, In Pursuit of the Two, To the Royal capital, Imprisonment.

  9. This is the Chapter 8 of the series, this walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Prison Break, Vibra Mountain Range, The Outskirts, Going to Town, Leo's House, Under the Capital, The Maxi Toy Box

  10. This is the Chapter 9 of the series, this walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] To the Machine Realm, God of Order

  11. The game temporary come to an end. The game only release only Part 1. Part 2 is not yet know when it is coming out. However, this is definitely an excellent game to play. The walkthrough covered the following events. [Story] Castaway, Resurgence, Watcher of Chaos and Bernard's Findings.

  12. This video shows you the walkthrough of all 10 Quests of this game. #1 Sick Mother. #2 Beloved Cat. #3 His Whereabouts. #4 Bait for Fishing. #5 Researcher. #6 Picking Up Shells. #7 Knuckles Developments. #8 New Product Flyers. #9 Letter to a Friend. #10 True Dimensgeon.

  13. This videos shows you the fight of all the bosses in the game [Part 1]. #1 Robo Organizer. #2 Tri-Star. #3 Money Tree. #4 Sandsea Serpent. #5 Mechteria Blob. #6 Salamander. #7 Tri-Star ||. #8 Golem. #9 Atomecha. #10 Lyranodon. #11 Tri-Star III. #12 Frostian. #13 Eternal Darkness. #14 Robo Organizer Complete. #15 Vam. #16 Chaos Serpent.

  14. After you finished the part #1, you can go back to fight on the last boss. However, this time, he has a big surprise for you. You would need to fight 2 Chaos Serpents instead of one. This video shows you how do I win. The key is 3 Poison Null.

  15. To fight with the special boss - the Double Chaos Serpents, you better to equip Rose Quartz for all of your characters. In order to do that, you would need to farm the Rose Quartz at the Chaos Pond. This video will show you how to farm the Rose Quartz - Poison Null.

  16. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Ultimate Rice Omelet. The level recommendation is 35.

  17. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - At Vence Harbor. The level recommendation is 32.

  18. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - The Vibra Meteor. The level recommendation is 34. At last, you will have the Ez back.

  19. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Money! Money!. The level recommendation is 33.

  20. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Treasure Mountain. After you saved Ez, you can go to the Junkyard for this no monster quest.

  21. The video shows the walkthrough of Part A Restoring the Base and Full Walkthrough of level 36 Story - Defending the Base. we would need to find 14 robots in Restoring the base. For this video, we show you the first 8 robots. In the middle of the finding, you will trigger the Defending the base story line, and this video will show you the full walkthrough of the Defending the base.

  22. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - In the Northwest. The level recommendation is 37. At last, you will have the Zinikr back.

  23. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Lost in Multiverse. The level recommendation is 38. At last, you will have both Kina and Cheryl back. And that should be done for the story "In Search of Friends" too.

  24. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Tan, the Solitary. The level recommendation is 39. At last, you will get the last member Tan.

  25. The video shows the full walkthrough of the quest - All Aboard. This quest is very easy, you should do it right away when available. (can pilot the ship first)

  26. The video shows the full walkthrough of the quest - The Last Crystal Ball. The quest is very easy, no fighting at all, so do it when it is available.

  27. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Survivor of Chaos. The level recommendation is 40. This will unlock the ability of Valrika.

  28. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Cinderella Tri-Stars IV. That is the fourth Cinderella Fight, and this is the walkthrough of it.

  29. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - The Golem's Revival. This is a level 41 quest, and this quest is easy, and it opened up the special quest for Ez to unlock his ability.

  30. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Ez And The Guild. The level recommendation is 42. This will unlock the second ability of Ez.

  31. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Bernard's Laboratory. The level recommendation is 42. This will unlock the second ability of Leo.

  32. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Using the Crystal Ball. This is a level 40 quest, and this quest is easy, and this is one of the key to open up the God Realm.

  33. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Palace Under Attack. The level recommendation is 42. I didn't do it at Level 42, and I recommended to do this around level 45. Dispel is the key to win.

  34. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Kina and Owen. The level recommendation is 44. This will unlock the second ability of Kina. Kina's second ability is very good, so you should do it when you are in good level. The fight is hard, but not crazy, only if I can avoid those rocks.

  35. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Echoes in the Sandsea. The level recommendation is 44. This will unlock the second ability of Zinikr and this is the most important storyline to go to the Mecha Infestation Area. The boss is not that hard, but I have problem with the guessing part.

  36. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Researcher Cont'd There is no fight in this quest, but you need to finish the storyline Echoes at the Sandsea before you can finish this quest.

  37. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Restoring the Base. This is a second part of the quest because you would need to access to the Mecha Infestation - Center before you can finish up the quest. To access to the Mecha Infestation, you would need to finish up the Researcher Cont'd Quest. Here is the walkthrough to get the 9 to 14 robots. After that, you will unlock the second ability of Pickle.

  38. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Tan's Past. The level recommendation is 42. I recommended to do it after you access to the Mecha Area. After you access to those, the fight should be very easy. The key is to use the area attack to kill the wolazs.

  39. The video shows where to find all 30 Mechterites. You can do it right away after the beginning of Part 2, and no fighting need. You will get some good rewards.

  40. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Cinderella Tri-Stars V. That is the fifth Cinderella Fight, and this is the walkthrough of it.

  41. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Calling All Cat Fish. This is a good quest, since you will get the Cat Eye Gem, it will have the auto revive.

  42. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - Calling all Sea Dog. After the cat, now is the dog

  43. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - Extreme Dimension. This quest will expand the Dimengeon to 50.

  44. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - Medal ribbon. This quest will get Tan's god weapon.

  45. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - Satisfying Sebastian. The recommendation level for this quest is level 44. The fight is pretty easy, you should able to win it easily.

  46. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Guided by Yim. For this mission, we can defeat Vam one more time.

  47. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Long Live the Queen. The Recommendation Level is 49. You will get Cheryl's Royal Weapon at the end.

  48. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Six Element. The Recommendation Level is 45. This is the Fire Boss Fight, and it will open up the Growth Map Fire Codex.

  49. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Six Element. The Recommendation Level is 45. This is the Holy Boss Fight, and it will open up the Growth Map Holy Codex.

  50. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Six Element. The Recommendation Level is 45. This is the Ice Boss Fight, and it will open up the Growth Map Ice Codex.

  51. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Six Element. The Recommendation Level is 45. This is the Earth Boss Fight, and it will open up the Growth Map Earth Codex.

  52. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Six Element. The Recommendation Level is 45. This is the Lightning Boss Fight, and it will open up the Growth Map Lightning Codex.

  53. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Six Element. The Recommendation Level is 45. This is the Dark Boss Fight, and it will open up the Growth Map Dark Codex.

  54. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Cinderella Tri-Stars VI. That is the sixth Cinderella Fight, and this is the walkthrough of it.

  55. The video shows the full walkthrough of the story - Cinderella Tri-Stars VII. That is the seventh Cinderella Fight, and this is the walkthrough of it.

  56. The video shows the full walkthrough of the quest - Cinderella Tri-Stars Final. That is the last Cinderella Fight, and this is the walkthrough of it. It is not an easy fight, so you should prepare for it. At the end, you will get some good rewards.

  57. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - To the God Realm. The fight of the story is against the Solar Flare Noise. A lot of people have difficulty with this fight. The key of this fight is to use guard. Here is how I do it.

  58. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - Merging Power. The Recommendation Level is 47. You need to kill the sandsea serpent, that is not easy, so prepare for it. You will get a good weapon for Ez.

  59. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - The Forbidden Chest. The Recommendation Level is 47, however, I am 55 still think I am under levelled. The fight is definitely very difficult, they keep doing area attack, and do not allow you to take a break. At the end, you will get Leo's weapon to kill GOD.

  60. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - The Lost Ancient. The Recommendation Level is 52, The Guardian is very strong, but there is a trick to do it, and can kill it easily. This is how I did it.

  61. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Quest - Omega. The Recommendation Level is 50. To get the Ultimate weapon for Pickle is not easy. The boss is quite hard. Here is how I able to win the fight.

  62. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - To the Apex. The Recommendation Level is 55. Your group will split up, and for this group, you are against the God's Weapon. Here is how I beat him.

  63. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - To the Apex. The Recommendation Level is 55. Your group will split up, and for this group, you are against the God's Hand. Here is how I beat him.

  64. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - To the Apex. The Recommendation Level is 55. Your group will split up, and for this group, you are against the God's Compass. Here is how I beat him.

  65. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - To the Apex. The Recommendation Level is 55. After your group joined back, you are going to against the last boss before JAS. I am coming for you, JAS.

  66. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Fight Jas. The Recommendation Level is 60. Finally, we are going to fight JAS. Jas is not easy, there are three form for JAS fight. This is the Final Form.

  67. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Fight Jas. The Recommendation Level is 60. Finally, we are going to fight JAS. Jas is not easy, there are three form for JAS fight. This is the First Form.

  68. The video shows the full walkthrough of the Story - Fight Jas. The Recommendation Level is 60. Finally, we are going to fight JAS. Jas is not easy, there are three form for JAS fight. This is the Second Form.

  69. This video shows you which characters I used when doing farming and levelling in the game.

  70. For people who missed the Ending Scene of the Fantasian. here it is, enjoyed. Later we will have the Void REALM.

  71. This is the fight of the Outer Void Realm Boss - 300 fish.

  72. This is the fight of the Outer Void Realm Boss - Eternal Darkness Level 65

  73. This is the fight of the Outer Void Realm Boss - Frostian Level 65

  74. This is the fight of the Outer Void Realm Final Boss - Yim Level 65

  75. The Video shows you all the Weapon Upgrade to W using the Void Marbles. You need to kill Yim 4 times in Outer Void Realm.

  76. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - 150 Robots Level 80. You should use the same strategy as against 300 fish. Taunt is the key and I recommended you should fight when you reach around level 72.

  77. This is the fight of the Outer Void Realm Boss - Fire Salamander Level 65

  78. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - Titanic Serpent Level 80. Speed is the key, make sure you use Quick All, and slow down. It only has one source to attack you, make sure that you have enough steps for you to cure for the next steps. After you used to Ultimate Skill to kill all the little healers, then you should keep killing them to make sure they cannot heal the Titanic Serpent.

  79. This is the fight of the Outer Void Realm Boss - Golem Level 65

  80. This is the final fight of the Inner Void Realm - The Crazy Level 99 Boss, Yim, Jas and Vam

  81. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - Infernal Mechteria Blob Level 80. This boss is not that hard, but long. Since you have to wait for it to point his head up. for the Minions, use Vacuum then arrows will able to kill them at once.

  82. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - Yim Level 80. We are going to fight Yim again. However, this time she will use Black Holes and she cannot be taunt. So, you must guess which one is the real YIM.

  83. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - Cerberona & Phoenica Level 80. Curse and High HP is the key. You may need HP up if you are too low level.

  84. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - Giga MinotaurusLevel 80. This is the hardest boss in the level. He can easily wipe your all group out. Guard with Mega barrier to protect his special move is the key to win.

  85. This is the fight of the Middle Void Realm Boss - Radiant Puppet Level 80. If you faced this boss, you are super lucky, this boss is very easy. Make sure you have holy resist gems on, then this is an easy fight

  86. The Video shows you all the Weapon Upgrade to Infinity using the Yim Years. You need to kill Yim 4 times in Middle Void Realm.

  87. This is the fight of the Inner Void Realm Boss - VAM level 99. In the Inner Void Realm, you are facing GOD. so here is Vam.

  88. This is the fight of the Inner Void Realm Boss - Jas level 99. In the Inner Void Realm, you are facing GOD. so here is Jas.

  89. Let's see how easy to kill the final boss when I reached to Level 99 for all my characters. This is the fight before I am going to do the Game +.

  90. This is the fight of the Inner Void Realm Boss - CINDERELLA TRI-STARS level 99. In the Inner Void Realm, you are facing GOD, mmmm.. only not this one. so here is CINDERELLA TRI-STARS.

  91. I have reached Level 99, it is the time for me to face the new Challenge. The New game+. There is a new growth map 2 for the new game+ and you can keep your level, weapons and items.

  92. For the new game +, there are some new contents. One of the new content is the old well maze, you can get Pearl XXL in the maze.

  93. There is a request of how to do the omega maze and here it is. This will show you the begin to the end of how to reach to Omega.

  94. There is a new update that you can able to open the music box to listen all the music in this game. The music is very good and beautiful.

  95. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  96. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  97. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  98. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  99. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  100. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  101. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  102. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  103. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  104. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  105. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  106. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  107. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  108. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  109. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  110. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  111. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  112. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

  113. The video is capture in the game under the Music Button that only available for Game +

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