Marble It Up: Mayhem!

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Here are some screenshots of the game.

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7screenshot 8screenshot 9

Ratings & Reviews

love the game. but camera control doesnt work all the time
Wed Dec 25 2019 Cumulus1111

This game impresses me and is great in many respects. Beautifully abstract graphics. Super fun and challenging enough to be engaging while easy enough to progress through without feeling stuck. Speaking of stuck, the camera control on ipad doesnt work all the time and will stop working during gameplay, which doesnt allow me to see where im rolling. This glitch in the ipad controls makes the game unplayable when it is occurring. I dont find the other onsceen controls as hard to get used to as some users. The direction and jump seems fine for it being an onscreen control. But the camera sticking is sort of a let down because everything else is great. Hoping for a fix because its a surprisingly fun game.

If Mario was a Marble☄️👍🏼👍🏼🤙🏼
Tue Jan 26 2021 Shawnmars

I don’t know why it feels like I am playing a Mario Bros. Game but it does so I’m sticking with that idea being the theme behind my review. Obviously I am loving this game and it is the mechanics that make me feel the nostalgia of playing on the first Nintendo system that came bundled with the Mario game and YES I am that old yet still playing video games like a champ. With the original controller on the Nintendo you had two buttons along with a directional pad. Press right on the pad and the A button to jump and hold the B button for a burst of speed. From there on your goal was to avoid obstacles and jump gaps before reaching the flag at the castle to end the level. MarbleItUp gives you the same type of play only on a larger and much more magical level of feeling free to go fast and just get caught up in the wonderful sights and sound of the game. Basically I love when you start playing a game that you have no idea what to expect and then get left with being unable to explain why the experience was so great. MarbleItUp is that game for me so hopefully that is enough of an explanation to convince others to play this game. Thank you to the developers that worked so hard in order to give me back a little bit of that excitement of being ten years old on a Friday night in my basement in front of my tv with a controller in my hands and no plans to sleep, just PLAY until the sun comes up and introduces the next morning...

Tue Nov 12 2019 GrandTheftOtto

I started mainly on Marble Blast Ultra on Xbox 360, first game I played was Marble Blast Gold, I was so happy to see that you guys were back from (what I recall) losing rights to the name of your own game. I bought Marble It Up as soon as I heard of it, and I'm glad I did! and now it's on my iPhone! I'm surprised about that too, because touch controls are always going to be limiting, and I do feel the same way here- it's not your fault, it's just that touch screens are not the best! That's why I hooked up my Xbox One controller over Bluetooth- the way it's meant to be played! and it really is. I feel no difference playing it here on my iPhone compared to my PC or Nintendo Switch, so long as I use a controller. This is a good port, the only thing I would love to see is the same functionality as Steam Workshop, for custom maps. Would be great to see that on platforms like iOS and Switch. I believe you could implement such a thing on your own servers, like you already have other things like replays and scoreboard. That would be cool!

Love it, but a bit glitchy
Tue Mar 03 2020 TiaLiaMeowMeow

I remember my brother and I playing Marble Blast Gold together when we were super little, so of course this game made for INSTANT nostalgia. And it’s so fun! The levels have a lot of replayability, and getting to the secret skins is super frustrating but so satisfying when you finally get it. Unfortunately, some skins and trails are completely unattainable. I don’t mean as in hard to get to in a level, I mean some unlock when you’ve played a certain number of multiplayer games or gotten a marble to a certain level. But neither of those features work! I’ve played several multiplayer games, and it hasn’t registered any of them. I’ve also completed almost all 60 levels on at least silver, and half on gold, but none of my marbles are a single level. Please fix this and make the game infinitely more enjoyable!

Fun but needs a little work
Tue Nov 19 2019 sactjs

This is my first time playing this kind of game. I love the multiplayer with my kids and the challenging and well designed levels. Despite that I had to lower my rating because 1) to unlock some marbles you need to get x # of marbles to level 10, but nowhere in the game do I see any way to tell what level a marble is or any information at all on how to level them up...seems like this is not implemented so I can never get these marbles. 2) Unlocking some marbles requires you to complete x # of multiplayer matches, but the game doesn’t count any of my multiplayer matches. Finally, I also notice some occasional instances where the controls get glitchy in the middle of a run, which can be frustrating but it’s pretty rare. Overall, this could be a 5 star game for me but for the missing marble level feature that appears should be there, and multiplayer match counting issues that make it impossible to ever unlock some marbles for me.

Terrible controls in a beautiful setting
Mon Dec 23 2019 JBeanz09

The game looks great and is fun to casually play, but the touch controls are horrendous. For a casual run through, it’s manageable, but good trying to get diamond medal on a level when 1/3 of the time, your right thumb controls the camera, 1/3 of the time your left thumb controls the camera and the last third of the time, nothing controls the camera. Oh and while you’re fighting the camera to get that diamond medal, you don’t even know what time you need to get anyway. The game does not tell you what time you need to beat, so you have no idea if you just need to cut one corner a little tighter to shave off a few milliseconds or if there’s actually a secret path to get to the finish 40 seconds faster (which I found out is a thing on at least one level so far). It’s one of those things that you try to put up with for awhile because everything else about the game is enjoyable, but eventually you just give up on the game. Which is where I’m at now.

This is my favorite game.
Thu Jul 09 2020 RedSneaker22

It’s challenging and the marble’s controls feel like a real live marble. Although it takes a while to get used to the controls and speed of your marble it’s an awesome game! I can’t recommend this game enough you will never get sick of it. So many levels and cool online and private games to play with friends! Absolutely in love with this game. 5 stars for sure! The graphics in this game are stunning and pleasing to the eye, the soundtrack is upbeat and fun to play along to. I’m not a huge fan of games but I can make this one exception! You did absolutely perfect on the game no need for fixing or anything. My name is Weird Red Sneaker and is like for you to join me on multiplayer mode! Super fun and addictive. I never wanna stop playing!

Awesome but needs difficulty level option
Sat Jan 30 2021 Orbin158

This game is amazing but it is SO HARD. I literally spent 30 minutes trying to pass 3 levels. The first level of land #4 is the worst. I spent like 12 minutes trying to pass it, but I finally did! On to Ricochet! This game is really fun and I wish you would make more levels like hyperloop. Hyperloop was SO FUN!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I give Hyperloop 5/5 stars!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The marbles that you can customize yourself as are so cool! So are the hats! (Even though I’m not to that point yet, they just look cool in the pictures!) So overall I love this game and it really relates to Marble Madness (even though I’m only 10 and my mom thinks it relates) but I really think you should add a difficulty option. 🤩👍🏻🤜🏻🤛🏻 Bye! 👋🏻

Fabulous Game and Perfect Addition to iOS
Wed Nov 13 2019 CHI3F

I played this dev’s game on Xbox 360 Arcade...Marble Blast game ever. Then I discovered the game was ported to PC with even more levels!!! I LOVE IT!!! I still play it to this day.....then I discovered this game. Obviously I was ecstatic!!! I instantly signed up for Apple Arcade just for this game. AND they reskinned it with a modern feel...added new powerups, new levels, new marbles...all I could possibly want and more! Thank you for making this game and for all your work in the past! Sure it’s a little glitchy at times but the concept is the same rock solid gameplay as ever and I have faith in the dev to continue to offer the same top notch support they always have. Don’t miss out on this one guys!!

This game is very addictive
Sat Oct 03 2020 hubbyman 2000

I have played this game for 2 months now and it is a game that I have played THE MOST on my phone. I really recommend it it has its moments where it will bug out occasionally and when that does happen the bugs are very fun and for some reason you wish they happened again. There is one problem though I have been doing the weekly challenges for the whole time I have been playing and the same weekly challenge is still there and I have not been getting rewards for compleat if those. But anyway this game is a must play for the people who like crazy games and stuff like that.

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